Turning the Page Uses Ballou Books in AmeriCorps VISTA Training
SMP Staff
The best thing about getting our authors' stories out into the world is hearing about all the ways that their voices can be used to educate, activate, and open hearts and minds. Recently we sat down with the good folks at Turning the Page, a DC-based organization that works to improve public school education, and we discovered a brand new use for one of our books: as a training resource for new community educators.
As part of their new staff orientation, the Americorps VISTA members of Turning the Page read Ballou High School's memoir collections, How to Grow Up Like Me and Our Lives Matter, to learn first-hand about the community they'd be serving.
Turning the Page’s Ellie Canter says:
Two VISTA members also shared their experiences reading the book.
We are thrilled to see how far the voices of our authors can carry. And most importantly, we're proud of the way that these authors can use this platform of publication to become educators for other people dedicated to change and community building. Thank you, Turning the Page, for listening to these voices, and for sharing this story!