The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by Temil

The First Two Weeks... I can’t believe it’s only been two weeks. In such a short time, it feels like everything has changed. It’s unbelievable because I can’t really explain what has caused such tragedy. Not too long ago the world was exposed to an unexpected virus, COVID-19 which first evolved in China. This virus is so powerful and contaminated that it made its way all the way to the U.S. Not only has it affected us, but it has dehumanized us. This virus has not only stopped many of us from work, school, and social gatherings but it has stopped us from being able to do things us HUMANS are allowed to do.  We are now being told not to go outside to prevent the spread of COVID-19. As of yesterday March 31, 2020 a curfew has been put in place to make sure that everyone is in the house by a certain time. Governments have taken action with no thoughts or feelings about what us humans/citizens have to say about all of this. I just don’t understand how this virus is shutting everything down and making our lives miserable. Is there something they’re not telling us? I just don’t know. I believe a cure can be found and I have hope that one will be found soon.

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