Two Weeks and Counting…

Two Weeks and Counting…
By Lee

The first two weeks have been stressful, as I am not one for change.
The first two weeks have been messy, since there's a scatter in my brain.
The first two weeks have been lonesome, though I claim I have no friends
The first two weeks have been worrisome
cause I'm not sure when this will end.

I don't mind being home, nowhere to go no way
But I'll keep making mistakes, the longer I stay.
See this is a stressful time for us all and I feel like I've lost common sense.
I'm struggling in school now, typing EVERY SINGLE sentence.
It's never been this dark, or gloomy in my room.
My recent captive thoughts had been the reason, I assume.

These first two weeks threw me off, left me feeling rattled.
I'm not used to these long hours and this constant loss of power. 
Although the outside being empty feels like the best time to roam.

 I know I'll make a difference by simply staying home.

Barrett Smithweek 1