HOME but NOT Alone

HOME but NOT Alone
by Eljae

This is a time of Isolation
Yet, I do not feel alone
Family and Friends please answer your phone
But I still do not feel alone, even at home
Because I know millions who are alone
The Joy I feel is knowing I don't got it bad.
But I'm still wishing I can lend a helping hand
The way I help however, is staying at home
And even in my loneliest hour I'll pick up my phone
I'll dial you when I need a talk
Too bad we can't go for a walk
But just because we are socially distancing
Doesn't mean you have to be distant from me
Just call me and you'll see
My personal journey at being free
No obligations for me
The liberation journey is my key
So you can be mad and sad about staying home
While I will find comfort in being home, but not alone
And that is where my Joy stems from.

Barrett Smithweek 2