
by Sam

During this time of Pandemic joy has come to me in many ways I did not expect. Most of the things I resented over three weeks ago I have currently found the beauty in. During my scheduled programming I work 2 jobs, go to school full time, I am a part of two campus organizations, I have homework, and I am a guinea pig mom.
I often find myself at a loss for time, tired, stressed, and overwhelmed. Now I have less of a load on my shoulders, I can sleep more, take time to work on myself and perfect my school work, spend leisure time with my guinea pigs. I usually would not want to be in the house all day everyday with my mom, but it has actually not been bad. We have had time to bond and spend time with each other that we usually would not have.
As well I would rather be in the house then out in the world putting me or someone I care about at risk. We are all safer inside right now and that brings me Joy. There are people all over this earth who do not have a home to go to.

Mom! Mom!
I made a new friend
Her name is Joy
She brings me peace
She let me sleep in
She gave me the day off
She gave me time with you
She let me binge watch TV all day
She allowed me to practice self care and relax
She’s what I need right now !

Barrett Smithweek 2