
by Jailah

There are only a couple of things that bring me joy. Family brings me joy, just knowing that I have a supportive family behind me is more than joyful, it’s a blessing. Doing what I love and want to pursue in my life as a career, which is cosmetology — specifically doing hair. When I’m doing hair I feel that I’m releasing so much into my work. I get a different type of happy feeling from doing hair. Just knowing I have a talent period makes me happy. Knowing that I’m bringing other people joy by making them feel like their best self brings me joy. Trying to maintain family in these hard times can be tough because it can be hard to get in touch with people due to social distancing. Doing hair, on the other hand, is very hard because social distancing is mandatory to make sure that everyone is cautious of their personal health and staying safe. On a more positive side, my dad has recently told me that my family is planning an wonderful 18th of July for me when all of this negativity is over.

Barrett Smithweek 2