
by Tatiana

I will never take being outside for granted again.
The fresh air, the freedom.
Looking back, I can say it brought me joy.
Stuck inside, but that’s what’s safe.
I feel like I’m caged in this crazy pandemic.
Just wondering if there will ever be an ending.
I’m bored, doing work checking Instagram, and watching movies with the family.
Communication has a new meaning.
Zoom calls, Microsoft Teams, just send me an invite.
Joy now is a group zoom call, not a group visit to the mall.
Joy now is the Wi-Fi keeping strong, not quitting because the whole family is on.
Joy now is finally clicking submit on assignments, because now, it seems to pile up and be never-ending.
Joy now…wondering what life will be like once COVID-19 has come to an end.
Just pondering on the future.

Barrett Smithweek 2