The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by Andrenae

The “COVID 19” virus came to the world out of nowhere! It is inconveniencing students, parents, teachers and so many other people in the world. My name is Andrenae and I attend Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. During my spring break it came to my attention that there was a new virus going around called the coronavirus better known as “COVID 19.” No one was really taking it seriously until they saw cases of it come to their cities and hometowns. 

My school sent out an email saying that our break was being extended due to this virus. As time went on, we received another email saying that we were allowed to stay home. When I got that email, I thought to myself: We’re paying for room and board, we’re paying for meal plans and flex! They’re not giving us enough details about everything, they’re just sending random emails every few days. We were told that we had to make a decision to stay on campus or have our stuff out by March 29th, classes would continue online and we would be refunded for meal plans and housing. Hearing this information was fine for me but it’s kind of inconvenient to have online classes. When you can’t be in person face to face you’re not always able to comprehend and understand the material. It’s also inconvenient because some professors don’t even understand how to use the technology the school has provided, so some classes haven’t even been able to happen for people. 

When hearing about the virus during the first two weeks, there was very little information. One of the main things I failed to understand was that if you had symptoms they just wanted you to “self quarantine.” So basically what they want you to do is quarantine yourself and when you’re feeling the worst you can feel, then they’ll help. 

With the virus originating in China, the president just wanted to stop anyone going in or out. Now he’s basically saying I told you so to everyone because he wanted to do that. But I don’t understand how that would even be logical because within the time it takes for him to close the borders, imagine how many people have already come back to the states from many different places and imagine who they have come in contact with. There was just so many things to question when the information first came out. 

I feel as though you just have to do what you should have been doing, which is keeping your distance, keeping your hands washed and out of your face, and praying. Some people still have to work and go about their daily lives and all you can do is be careful and pray that you stay covered and safe from the virus. 

Barrett Smithweek 1