
by J’yona

I feel so useless and forgotten. There used to be hundreds of kids and adults who needed and relied on me all day everyday and now my hallways are empty and cold and quiet. I am supposed to be the School Without Walls Highschool right in the heart of GW campus, there’s supposed to be people everywhere. All different types of people, the quiet ones, the loud ones, the shy ones, the ones who live in their own worlds. The streets of Foggy Bottom are so bare and scarce, I've never seen anything like it. Coronavirus has scared everyone away from their classes, and favorite food places, and outside as à whole. Now, they learn on computers and on screens they don’t need me and my four walls. It doesn’t feel right just being here empty like this; I was built to serve a purpose and I didn’t fulfill it. I can’t wait to be open again in August. I can’t wait for the new wave of freshmen to help get over the loss of the seniors.

Barrett Smithweek 3