Shout In Place graphic depicting a black mouse in a teal house, using a megaphone to shout out of the house. Graphic reads “#ShoutInPlace Amplifying under heard voices during the COVID-19 crisis. Find out more at”

Oral Histories

Week 11 (June 10-16)

Imagine we are 10, 20, or 50 years in the future. Create an audio recording of yourself telling "your grandchildren" or the next generation about this time (please note that audio is a recording of your voice only, please do not send videos). This recording should be about 3 MINUTES long. See below for possible ways to fill the required time:Read your grandchildren all or part of one of your previous #ShoutInPlace responses. Explain how and why you wrote your piece. Explain what it means to you. Explain to the next generation a moment or day that had a large impact on you during quarantine. What happened during that day (give as much detail as possible!) and how did it change you? Explain to your grandchildren what a day-in-the-life during quarantine looked like? How might it differ from what life might look like in the imagined future?Other questions to consider: What did you do during quarantine? How did you find the strength to continue? Who was there? How did you know what was right? Were you afraid? How did coronavirus affect you/them? What were YOU fighting for? Did you get sick? Did you heal? GET CREATIVE! Feel free to "act" older. You can even act out how your grandchildren might respond or feel while listening to you share your stories.