Art Has Been an Escape Door for Me

Art Has Been an Escape Door for Me
by Wendy

 It doesn't matter how I feel, in this pandemic I see that art makes me encourage myself. I can show the people what art means to me in different ways. I love taking photos, I remember when I started I was so shy because I was scared I wasn’t a good photographer. Now, I understand with time, that practice makes the teacher. I decide to take photos every single day to become better with cameras and  every piece that I make with photos. I don't know how to express it, but I put a little of my soul in what I do. I love the vibes that I can share of the people or places I go with my camera. I can be grateful because I have this skill which is very powerful. Art can be the world; you don't need to talk, you just need to shoot at the right time and make that picture something that you can make people feel or think.

Another way that used to make me feel better and motivated is books. When I read a book, I can feel that my mind creates a better future for me. It makes me wish and believe that I can make my life better with a lot of discipline and perseverance. Also, I love learning new things about history and I know that people who read books are more propense to have a mind more full of wisdom.

Por otro lado tenemos la música. Es una manera para poder expresarnos sin decir una sola palabra. En estos tiempo difíciles, creo que todos hemos tenido aunque sea minutos donde escuchamos música de una u otra. Siento que la música no te generaliza a nada, pero te puede entender en todo. No necesitas entender lo que la música nos quiere decir. A veces, es más útil que las palabras de alguien. La musica me comprende, no me juzga, la escucho y es otro mundo lleno de puertas donde puedo estar a solas conmigo misma y entender muchas cosas que tal vez, las personas no comprenden.

Por último la pintura en estos momentos me ha cautivado demasiado. Me gusta intentar pintar un mejor paisaje, ya que no podemos salir mucho afuera. Dibujo y pinto lo que quiero ver cuando toda esta pesadilla termine. Siento que la pintura tiene una mezcla de arte con terapia ya que me tranquiliza y ayuda a mantener la mente ocupada en cosas y vibras positivas.  

Barrett Smithweek 4