There Is No Cure

There Is No Cure
by Amya

The world is in disarray. Things are constantly changing, seemingly only getting worse. Everywhere you may look there’s violence, ignorance, disease, and utter chaos. Unfortunately, all of these causes can implant an extremely dangerous sickness in the healthiest people. Some symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, irrational thought, chest pains, shortness of breath, upset stomach, trembling, and feelings of hopelessness. If you are experiencing these symptoms, there is a possibility you are suffering from a condition known as Fear, and there is no cure. 

Fear is a sickness that many people have heard of or had at one point in their lives. You may have experienced it while going on your first rollercoaster ride, and maybe during a presentation for class. When Fear does not linger in the body for long periods of time, it can – at times – be helpful. It can heighten your senses and make you more vigilant, and even keep you safe at times. Although, if this sickness lingers in the body for too long, or at a high rate too soon, it can be dangerous. It can block all logic and make you make irrational decisions, cause fainting, temporary paralysis, and even cardiac arrest. And unfortunately, there is no cure. As far as science has come, even the greatest minds have not yet found a way to completely rid fear from victims around the world, although some think it will be for the better. As stated above, when Fear does not stay in the body for an extended amount of time, it can be very beneficial. It boosts adrenaline, which can cause great bursts of strength and has helped people not only save themselves, but the people around them as well. It enacts the fight or flight reaction, boosts all of our senses, and can keep us out of danger. 

You could have experienced Fear at some point while reading this, which is an understandable response. We are human, and Fear is a human emotion, as well as a sickness. We will never be able to completely rid ourselves of it. As humans we have things we care about, things we want to do and experience. The thought of those things disappearing will cause fear in anyone. But there is something you can do to combat this sickness. Just breathe. In and out, slowly and for as long as you need. What do you smell? Let down your shoulders. Relax your brow. Where are you? What do you see? What do you hear? By doing all of these things, and thinking these thoughts, you are grounding yourself in reality. Most times Fear comes from our imaginations. It’s an amalgamation of what-ifs, and maybes. By grounding yourself in reality, you are pulling yourself out of your mind. You can look at things for how they are instead of how they might be. And yes, I know, it is easier said than done. But it’s possible. Do what you need to do. Turn on music, call your favorite person, read a book, play a game. There is no wrong way. The world is in a scary place. Things are changing faster than we would like and are not going back to normal as soon as we would like. This is the most important to ground yourself. There are people who care about you and love you. Don’t let a sickness like Fear drag you away from them, because right now they need you as much as you need them. 

Barrett Smithweek 9