An Attempt at a Remedy for Injustice

An Attempt at a Remedy for Injustice
by Ayah

If you ask me to define justice, I'll list the things that fall under the term from the government, courts, and political aspects, to your daily interactions with anyone you come across. Justice is being fair and equal. It’s difficult to stand up to those causing injustice because you are speaking truth to a liar.

Injustice is a darkness, a blindfold over your eyes, the thought that you are better, making you intolerant and discriminative to people just going about their lives. Injustice is what you may not know you’re doing, or you very well do. Maybe you wouldn’t do what goes against some morals you’ve scratched out, you wouldn’t go that far. But still you’d give a look, a rant, a shove, stopping when you think you’re a good person, continuing when you think you’re right.

If you think you are not an unjust person, you probably have to think twice. The person who’s actually going to be just is the person who always worries they will do something unjust. If you boast and hold yourself high for the one time you helped a chicken cross the road while shoving your way over others, then you probably need a moment.

What can you do to carry out justice? Help others out of genuine interest for their wellbeing, not because it’ll make you noticed by so and so.
Don’t treat people like your servant, “They’re getting paid” is not an excuse, nor is any gender made to serve the other.
Help those who are victims, who need to be pulled out and stood up for, young or old.
Never think you are better than someone in any way. Look at those younger than you as people who have had less time to do bad things and those older as people who had more time to do good.
Be respectful of everyone, smile at people more and hold your anger in more.
Race and ethnicity are differences that shouldn’t separate or better anyone over the other.
Seek knowledge and seek it with the right people in the right places. A humble person with knowledge will be more likely to see the truth and the truthful way is also the just way.
And finally, change injustice with your hand, your mouth or your heart.

This is not the end, the complete guide or a list to check off as you sit and remember all the times you once did something. This is a beginning in which I often question why people have just begun to begin and wonder why no one else has begun.

But to be honest, we’ve all started already, it's just that one point some people stopped as their nurture pounded on their nature. Now you’ll have to wonder, will you begin again?

Barrett Smithweek 9