Freedom to Me

Dear Diary,

So many things are going on in this world, and at the end of the day, the question is are we really free? To me, freedom is happiness and a form of expression. Freedom feels like a massage after a long day. A moment in a life when I feel free is when I'm in the comfort of my own home. I am able to do whatever without people judging or looking at me the wrong way. That should be the same as when we go into the outside world. The thing that needs to change to accomplish freedom is that people of color, people of different beliefs, and the LGBTQ+ community can walk into any public or professional setting and not be misinterpreted and judged by others. Freedom is something that minority groups have been fighting for for years. So in the end, we are not free when we step out of the comfort of our own homes. When I'm at home, I'm free, but when I'm in public, I feel entitled and captive to someone else's opinion. To conclude, I believe that in order for us as a society to be free, we have to get free together. We will need plenty of reconciliation, therapy, and closure with one other. Until then, everyone is corrupted.


Barrett Smithweek 12