The Future

The Future
by Johnay K.

The future that I see holds less excuses and more accountability for the decisions made in the past. This future gives guidance into a direction towards correction for those who fell victim to systematic racism. Those whose ancestors were stuck in the vicious cycle of poverty will know no such feeling, and will not be misinformed of their history either. Many will wonder how such a drastic change occurred over the decades, none will question who fought for this change. Everyone will know those who caused the time bomb of societal destruction, as well as the generation that defused the bomb before any more harm could be done to the world. 

I will be the woman in my community that focuses on the development of the youth, forming events and programs that target the at-risk youth in the inner city areas. Change starts and continues with adolescents and young adults, and there must be certain life skills implemented in them to maximize certain fundamentals. I will be one of  the many in Washington D.C. that assist in whatever way possible. 

We will interact in a way that we see no differences in one another. People will be able to walk into a retail store without being racially profiled because of the color of their skin. Walking onto an airplane with a turban on will not cause anyone to stare or to feel any discomfort. Wearing a Hijab will be the decision of the woman that possesses it, and she will be able to wear it at her leisure. Those who are a part of the  LGBTQ+ community will not be seen as ‘other’, instead, they will be considered as human beings, regardless of how they identify. 

There will be those who are stuck on the “old ways” and will not like the shift from their traditions. We will respect that and try to find a suitable way to include them in everything, regardless of their viewpoint. No one will be excluded, unless they choose so themselves. 

We will continue to learn, take note, and grow from their mistakes. Most importantly, we will forgive!

Barrett Smithweek 15