To a Friend, From a Friend

To a Friend, From a Friend

by Johnay K.

Azaria Brown,

Hope all is well! 

As you may already know, there is an uproar in the community because of injustices caused by police officers all over the world. This affects those who are considered minorities in the U.S., and our brothers and sisters are at the front line of the havoc. I believe that it is time for us to come forth and speak more on the matter. We could use social media as our source and outlet to speak publicly on the issue. There is a chance that many of our followers may be long past the Black Lives Matter movement. They might not want to see it on their news feed anymore, but the movement continues. There is so much that has to change. 

Feel free to contact me directly if you wish to know more on the matter. I look forward to speaking with you soon, Azaria!



Barrett Smithweek 14