Posts tagged week 14

Autoridades de Washington D.C.,

Por este medio, quisiera expresar hacia ustedes la resignación, dolor, que nuestros hermanos de color estan pasando. Todos somos humanos. Sentimos y ver lo que están viviendo es tan triste, porque como ellos están viviendo esta guerra, nosotros también la tenemos dia con dia. Siento mucha tristeza al ver que tenemos que llegar hasta este punto para ser escuchados o respetados. Si nos lograran respetar y tratar de una manera humana, nadie estaría furiosos en las calles, intentando formar una guerra entre unos con otros

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Barrett Smithweek 14
Dear Mr. Floyd

Dear Mr. Floyd,

It is an honor to write to you today. However, I wish that you were able to read this yourself. I believe that this letter will reach the people who need this the most, along with you, watching over the reader. I wanted to start off with the ways in which your death has affected me and my life story. Since your passing, the uprising of protests have begun

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Barrett Smithweek 14
To a Friend, From a Friend

Azaria Brown,

Hope all is well!

As you may already know, there is an uproar in the community because of injustices caused by police officers all over the world. This affects those who are considered minorities in the U.S., and our brothers and sisters are at the front line of the havoc. I believe that it is time for us to come forth and speak more on the matter. We could use social media as our source and outlet to speak publicly on the issue.

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Barrett Smithweek 14
Postcard for Larry Hogan

Dear Governor Larry Hogan,

I applaud you for attempting to handle the COVID-19 situation to the best of your ability and trying to keep the number of cases and deaths as low as possible in Maryland.

However, your lack of response and silence in regard to the Black Lives Matter movement and your obliviousness to the problems that are plaguing your people are both grossly offensive.

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Barrett Smithweek 14
Why Our Lives Matter

Dear Aunt Venis,

I know you think you are right, and I know some things you cannot change because it is who you are. I know you love your family and that you would be hurt deeply if something happened to one of us. However, I want you to understand that you hurt us everyday when you post #alllivesmatter. The Black Lives Matter movement is something that affects your family everyday. When people say #blacklivesmatter and you respond with well “#alllivesmatter,” it says that you refuse to see the discrimination that is happening everyday.

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Barrett Smithweek 14

Hello Mayor,

I am a citizen of the nation's capital. I am writing you this letter to ask you to defund the police. Many states are beginning to defund the police and I hope D.C. will be next. Over the past few years, police brutality has been a rising issue in America. It is not fair to people who look like you and me to pay taxes creating the salaries of the police, and, in return, have police attack them. They are trained to protect and serve. When police are around, I do not feel protected; I feel fear.

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Barrett Smithweek 14
Stand With Us

This message is intended for the police department at 3101 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Every white person is not racist and brutal, no. If I can understand that, why can’t racists take the stereotypes away from my people? A single story is dangerous & menacing. I use that choice of words because not a single story is incomplete . #Saytheirnames is a powerful movement. I feel it's more powerful than it’s been in years. I personally believe that not every white police officer is not bad, but if I encounter police, I would be scared out of my mind.

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Barrett Smithweek 14