
Freedom to me means that everybody is treated equally and that no race thinks that they are more superior than the other. I believe that because no other race is better than the other one in any shape or fashion. Freedom feels like everyone being happy and everyone having equal control. I believe that I have freedom because I am still able to do things and I am not prevented from doing anything. Moments I feel free are when I’m in the car with the windows rolled down feeling the wind in my hair and just relaxing. I also feel free when I am out hanging with friends or when I’m at a party just having fun. You don’t need anything in particular to be free, just friends and the ability to have fun and enjoy the happy moments.

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5 Parts of Me!

5 Parts of Me!
by Najae

There are many things I like about myself. But 5 positive affirmations are the following.

First, I am creative in anything I do. Creativity comes naturally. I can be writing an essay, and I always have to add some type of creative spin to it. Freestyle and flow comes natural to me. I can come up with poetic words in seconds. I also am very creative physically. I can draw, paint, and make clothing. I love to create and make things my own. Being creative has given me an advantage to life.

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A Letter to Rose

Dear Rose,

During this Pandemic, I wanted to affirm that you are a strong and independent woman. You have used this time not only for comfort, but for growth and progress for your future. I also want to affirm how caring and loving you are to your family and how you check up on them during these times. You are definitely someone to hold onto. I want you to remember that you're beautiful, strong, and immaculate. Even though life is hard right now, you have the wisdom to make it right. Lastly, you are a leader and a star, shining bright as the sun. Never forget to always love yourself because, if you don't, nobody will.

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5 Things About Me

5 Things About Me
by Lisa

Ser uno mismo en estos tiempos es algo extraordinario, en un mundo demasiado ordinario” por lo general siempre nos estamos mirando los defectos, envidiando, o intentado que la sociedad nos acepte y intentando imitar a los demás.

La primer cosa que me gusta de mi persona es mi carácter. Siempre he sido una persona que cuando la vida me ha golpeado, no me he dado por vencida. Hace un tiempo cuando entre en depresion. Mi carácter fue lo que me forjaba dia con dia a seguir luchando y seguir siendo muy optimista.

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How I See Me

How I See Me
by Marlow

I always like to look on the bright side. While the events of the world are enough to make one ponder their future and their place in it, I tend to be more of a go with the flow kind of person. Not to say that I do not like a good plan for the long run. Where one might say the rain depresses them or causes them not to venture outwards, I say the heavier the rain, the better.

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My Affirmations

My Affirmations
by Litzi

  1. I persevere. Being identified as DACA has secured my education and created a pathway to work. I can’t get federal aid, but being valedictorian at my high school helped me get into college. Even though the decision on DACA hasn’t been made by the Supreme Court yet, I still continue my education. I continue to push through school with personal barriers, but I persevere because I know it’ll all be worth it in the end.

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by Victoria

There are many things that I like about myself and it is hard to choose only five. One thing I like about myself is how compassionate I am. I believe that if you are compassionate and treat people right, it´ll come around in the long run. Another thing I like about myself is how I'm the type of person who stays to themselves. I believe that it is good mind my own business because people will feel like they can trust you more and they feel like they can talk to you about anything. I feel like I´m pretty because people always tell me that I am. I know that I am pretty because every time I look in the mirror, I don't feel disgusted with myself. I know that I´m worth something. Another thing about me is that I'm smart. I know that I´m smart because I have accomplished things that not many have. For example, I’ve written a book. I feel like that has been a big improvement for me. Lastly, my personality because it shows how great of a person I am.

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