My Affirmations

My Affirmations
by Aniyah

I am going to start by first listing my affirmations and then explain as I list them. My first would have to be the ability to understand both sides of something. For example, if somebody is arguing or I am in an argument, I would most likely understand where we are both coming from before giving my response even if I don’t agree. I can most likely always understand where the other person is coming from. Another would be that I can be alone. I’m not saying that that is my go-to, but I can enjoy being alone without feeling lonely. That may not seem like a big deal, but a lot of people who I know cannot be alone.

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What Needs to Happen to Make the World Fair

What Needs to Happen to Make the World Fair
by Kairon

I'm experiencing the murders and discrimination against Black people by seeing how police are still killing innocent Black people and not willing to hear what we have to say to make a change in the community. What I would like to see is the police have more Black people on the force, as well as have police men and women interact with the community they live in. When you police somewhere you don't live, you can't understand the hardships and struggles that the people or community are facing.

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My Positive Affirmations

My Positive Affirmations
by London

5 things that I like about myself is that I am very animated, self aware, courageous, open, and truthful. I am animated because I lighten up any room I step in with my humor and being myself. I am self aware because I know what areas I can improve in. I am courageous because I speak out against things that aren't right. I am open because I do not judge anyone for their own personal beliefs, sexual orientation, gender Identity, religious beliefs, or ethnic and racial background(s). I am truthful because I always try to be honest with myself and with my peers. I believe that I am enough and although sometimes I don't feel it, I KNOW I am.

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5 Affirmations

5 Affirmations
by Johnay K.

  1. Through all of the trials and tribulations, you are driven nonstop to prevail into the next chapter of your journey.

    1. There are so many things that have occurred in my life that were intense enough to break me.

      1. I decided to continue, and I found peace & purpose in the journey that was destined for me.

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The Best

The Best
by Serenity

1) My skin color is absolutely beautiful. I’m not throwing shade to anyone else, but my dark skin is absolutely beautiful and I love it. Many people wish they were dark skinned and I am
2) I am hard working, 16 with 2 businesses and 2 published books along with good grades! That is better than what most 16 year olds in the city have

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skimming the surface of the ocean of me.

skimming the surface of the ocean of me.
by Ayah

The dark, frowning moon has left as you in search of what no one will ever know or truly understand. You are here trying to understand the very contradiction you are, both hoping you will and thinking you will never be. With the sun, with the moon, with magic, with mystery.

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In The Moment

In The Moment
by T’Asia

My entire life I’ve lived in the moment,

Never dwelling on the past nor the future.

I’ve taught myself to channel my emotions to where I could only live in the moment.

For years and years, I’ve struggled with life.

I’ve struggled with emotions.

I’ve struggled with pain.

I never would have thought of myself living in the moment back then.

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Brag About Me

Brag About Me
by Jailah

Me...Jailah. I am a lot of things. I am outspoken. I never hold my words back. People need to know that my opinion matters and that I need to be heard. Nobody can silence me. I am a go-getter. If I want it, I have no problem with going to get it to make myself happy. I am outgoing. I love playing. I like being the center of attention sometimes, making everyone else smile. I am bossy sometimes, but only when I feel that things can be better than what is presented to me. If I want it how I want it, you have to set the tone and that's how things go with me. I am the Class Of 2020. I've worked hard to get here, and I've been through a lot. A lot has tried to break me down and make me quit, but I've kept pushing and pushing until I reached my goal. That goal was to graduate and make myself and the ones who support me happy.

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by Marc

There are many things I like about myself and I can talk for hours about it, but, for the sake of time and the person reading, I will begin the conversation with a list of five.

  • Funny

  • Looks for the bright in everything

  • Amazing Cook

  • Imaginative

  • Family orientated

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5ive positive affirmations of JAPAN

5ive positive affirmations of JAPAN
by Japan

Japan is REAL. I say this because, even in bad times, I still hold information. I don’t go against the grain ❤️.

Japan is UNIQUE. I say this because no one has my name. If you have ever been around me you, know I’m a vibe.

Japan is CREATIVE. I say this because I write my own music. I cheer and I manage my time well.

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How to Fix a Thing Called Racism

How to Fix a Thing Called Racism
by Kairon

The disease I want to cure is racism. Racism can come in many forms, such as being treated unfairly in the workplace, in stores like Giant or Safeway, or even getting followed around your neighborhood. Racism is getting looks from other people, or being made fun of. The way I would treat this sickness is by showing people we are equal by coming together, like what's going on now, but peacefully. I would give a speech that would ask if you have family. I do too. Do you have bad days? Yeah, me too. You have a loved one you want to make it home to, right? We all do. Yes, all lives do matter. I do agree with that, but it’s only black men and women dying at the hands of people who are supposed to protect us. All lives do matter ,but that's my protest to make it seem like it happens all the time to every race when it's not the case. If you ask a group of non-Black people if they want to experience what black people experience, what do you think they would say?

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by Lisa

En estos momentos de mucho dolor y desesperación a raíz del covid-19, muchas personas han entrado en crisis, donde no saben que hacer o todos los cambios tan radicales que hemos tenido nos descontrolan en diferentes áreas. En mi persona, fui diagnosticada con depresión severa hace dos años. Tenía que estar tomando un tratamiento, el cual deje porque mi cuerpo lo rechazaba, pero segui tomando terapias. Hoy en día, puedo decir que a raíz de lo que pasó. Me he sentido algunos días mal, porque tengo muchas cosas en mi mente. La tristeza se apodera de uno en muchas maneras. Empieza con un pequeño pensamiento y luego te terminan robando las noches y te las convierte en un insomnio puro en el cual muchos sentimientos se encuentran. Las personas que sufren de depresión pasan mucho tiempo pensando, las cosas nos afectan hasta un grado tan grande que nadie se lo puede imaginar.

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A Cure For Wellness

Facing Depression During COVID-19
by Marlow

Every now and then, there comes a period of time in our lives where we suddenly do not feel like our usual selves. Our mood is suddenly downtrodden, our motivation on the slopes, and the happiness we once knew until then has disappeared. I, like countless others, have experienced depression at least once in my short life. It is something that I try to avoid to the best of my ability, but there are moments when it is unavoidable despite my best efforts. During the pandemic, though states are reopening at a cautious rate, there are still a vast number of people who may not know when they may return to work, how they might feed their families, and how they can bargain with their landlords and mortgages.With all of these and countless other situations arising with COVID, the feeling of depression has fallen upon some of those affected by everything happening over these past months.

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The Implosion

The Implosion
by Johnay K.

This disease has grown as a result of COVID-19 and has bolted into a lot of lives causing uncertainty in many households. There are plenty of people who were already victims of this menace prior to COVID-19’s unwelcomed entrance into society, which only progressed their symptoms. The following are known symptoms (given in no order):

Fatigue, sweating, fear, insomnia, nausea, trembling, palpitations, lack of concentration, hypervigilance, irritability, worthlessness, and so on.

To further the severity of this disease, there are many of those who choose not to report it as a result of believing it can be ignored, and therefore cured. This is not the answer to curing this disease. This disease can be self-diagnosable, and treatment can be as follows:

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An Attempt at a Remedy for Injustice

An Attempt at a Remedy for Injustice
by Ayah

If you ask me to define justice, I'll list the things that fall under the term from the government, courts, and political aspects, to your daily interactions with anyone you come across. Justice is being fair and equal. It’s difficult to stand up to those causing injustice because you are speaking truth to a liar.

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There Is No Cure

There Is No Cure
by Amya

The world is in disarray. Things are constantly changing, seemingly only getting worse. Everywhere you may look there’s violence, ignorance, disease, and utter chaos. Unfortunately, all of these causes can implant an extremely dangerous sickness in the healthiest people. Some symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, irrational thought, chest pains, shortness of breath, upset stomach, trembling, and feelings of hopelessness. If you are experiencing these symptoms, there is a possibility you are suffering from a condition known as Fear, and there is no cure.

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Being Alone

Being Alone
by Rose

Loneliness brings depression, overthinking and anxiety. During quarantine, lots of people feel this way because of social distancing. We can't really physically interact with our friends as we normally do. Loneliness is the feeling of being isolated. Loneliness has little to no human interaction or company which is bad for the human brain. My cure for this is calling a close friend or family member to see if they would like to hang out (while following the safety protocols). Also, find things that make you happy and go outside for fresh air or a run. Exercise always makes people feel good and better about themselves. I also say that social media can help because it is a social platform where you're not alone. In addition, listening to upbeat music always lifts one’s spirit up because it removes the sadness away.

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The Cure For Abandonment

The Cure For Abandonment
by Jailah

My cure would be for abandonment. The remedy would be a pill that tastes like a fruit snack, because my favorite candy is fruit snacks. I would cure this because I know how it feels to feel abandoned or actually be abandoned. Abandonment could lead to more harmful things like suicide. Suicide isn’t the way out. The fruit snack pill will make you feel whole again. Make you feel that the whole world loves you, fighting bad symptoms like hunger, sadness, the urge to wanna fight anyone that gets in your way. I wanna cure this so that anybody who feels alone knows that someone is there for them.

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Loss of A Loved One 

Loss of A Loved One
by Sam

Client: Doctor! Doctor! I’m calling because I don’t feel too good.

Doctor: Well, what are your symptoms ?

Client: I don’t feel like myself; I'm sleeping all the time and I’m tired all the time, my body hurts, I’m overeating, and I’ve been gaining weight, fainting…..

Doctor: Mhm…. has there been any changes in your life recently ?

Client: Well, I recently lost my brother, but everything else has been the same.

Doctor: Have you been dealing with the loss of your brother ?

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by Marc

Imagine a time in your life when things seemed stale and nothing, and I mean nothing, felt the same. That feeling, that touch, that taste, and that look. It is the same thing over and over again. It takes the color out of your favorite shirt, takes the fizz out of your soda, and takes the flavor out of your family's cooked meals. All of those descriptions sum up one feeling you probably have felt during the pandemic. That feeling is stagnance. A quick Google search defines Stagnance as, “showing no activity; dull and sluggish.” In my opinion, I have not been the same. I am somewhat bothered by how there is nothing more to do than watch television, play on my xbox, or video chat friends from school.

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