Your Hero
Week 17 (July 22-28)
During this time of the pandemic and protest, it can be hard to feel hopeful. There are many questions that are yet to be answered. Living in such uncertainty can feel overwhelming and unsettling. This week's prompt is to tell us what or who has been your "hero" through this moment? What or who has given you hope? Who or what has grounded you? How have they given you the feeling of normalcy, humanity, or safety? Describe to us who are what this "hero" is and how they have "saved" you. Honor this hero by describing them in detail, using language that reflects how much they mean to you.
My Peace in Troubled Times
by Kairon
My hero during these times has been my mom. She gives me strength by always telling me what to do and things that I should do to keep myself, my friends, and people I come in contact with at work safe. She has given me hope by saying that we as a nation can beat COVID-19 and we will become stronger from this.
My hero... my hero... hmmm my hero... it’s not too hard to think about because it’s my mom. During this pandemic, things have gotten hard, whether it was financially or because of the lack of things provided by the government.
Dear Diary,
This world has been through so many obstacles, but one person that has kept me and comfortable, safe, and rescued is my mom. My mom has always been my hero because, through the tough time, she has always kept positive. She always reassures us that everything will be okay with a smile on her face.
by Aniyah
During this pandemic, it has been hard, yes, but it has also been awakening to me on a much higher level. We don’t know every answer and things change as the days go on, but with the help of a couple people that I have become so close with during these hard times, I am forever thankful. I am thankful for them helping me get through these times and really find myself. These close people are friends that are new, but it feels like we’ve known each other forever. I am firstly thankful for the path and awakening they have brought into my life that will forever stay with me. For example, I now meditate.
Power Couple
by Sam
Who is my hero?
Some may say their mom
Some may say Rosa Parks
Throughout these past couple months, I have realized anything is possible through consistency hard work
No matter the goal
No matter the obstacles
My Hero
by Wendy
We are living in hard times. Life has hit us and we are fighting to move on. This time makes me reflect a lot on who I am and what I want. I understand that everything that happens to us in life is to learn, to be better, and to become the best version of ourselves. Months ago, when the pandemic started, I was breaking my commitment to my future husband. I was about to get married and due to fate, things all ended.
Dear Diary,
I haven’t written in about a month or so, but as I’m typing today, I’m realizing that writing anything gives me a sense of normalcy and comfort. Writing has always been my way of releasing any pent-up emotions I may be feeling in the moment. Whether I’m anxious, sad, angry, or all of the above, I can always write it down.
by Marc
My hero during the pandemic is easily my grandmother. At the first moment of the worldwide pandemic, she always did her best to help me. Last year, I really wanted to plant a watermelon out of season. Watermelons take a long time to grow and I was a bit late trying to grow it.
by Johnay K.
I don’t necessarily have a hero, but I would say I definitely do during this uncertain time. Minimum wage jobs or essential employees that are looked down upon deserve to be honored. Not only are they risking their health to serve the public, but they are also risking their mental health. As a college student who has worked and is currently working a minimum wage job, I understand the frustration. I find it insulting when people say minimum wage workers during this time are “brave.”