The Big Picture
(Week 5: April 29 - May 5)
Take or draw one or multiple pictures that you feel sum up your quarantine experience. Caption your picture(s) with a description of why it describes your quarantine experience. Feel free to set up your shot and pose, or give us a candid look into your day-to-day life. It can be a portrait, landscape, or even a selfie-- get creative! If you don't know where to start, find pictures that answer the questions: How am I spending my time during the pandemic? How am I finding ways to connect to others? What hobbies or skills am I cultivating?
La siguiente foto es una de las últimas experiencias que tuve el fin de semana con mis amistades en un lugar llamado, High Rock Overlook, Maryland.Siempre he dicho que soy una amante de la naturaleza, que me puedo sentir libre y siento que me da una gran vibra y buenas energías el estar rodeada de árboles y cerca del cielo. En esta cuarentena he aprovechado ciertas ocasiones para ir a conocer mas lugares como este. Es que nos perdemos de las maravillas de esta tierra por estar preocupados en el mañana, pero no creo que alguien se resista a tanta belleza como lo es en la naturaleza. No digamos de todos los lugares de los que nos hemos perdido y aún no hemos visitado, creo que no hay momento más feliz que cuando sonríes por un motivo como este, el del ver la naturaleza a la par tuya y poder contemplarte.
This picture is a representation of my corona break. During the break, I like to watch TV a lot. Whenever I get bored, I like to watch Netflix. There is always something that I can watch. Also, during the break, I have been making YouTube videos. The mirrors and lights are a representation of what I need to make the YouTube videos. Underneath are things that I tend to do also. I like to have snacks all through the break; they are what keep me going. TrendModa, is my clothing line and it is what I have been working on throughout the break. School has also taken a big role through the break. I have been doing a lot of school work, and Zoom calls. Underneath the TV is my PS4, I play games with my friends at night. The clock on the wall represents the amount of time that everything I do takes up. Lastly, the little box on the side is just a representation of my old life. I am used to being outside everyday. I have never been in the house for this long; I feel like I’m in a box. Therefore this picture is a sum of my corona vacation.
Everyday, I look out the window to get a view of the outside. The reason I picked this picture is because I feel like this is the best representation of what I actually see every day. Every day of me being trapped in the house this view makes me sick to my stomach because I’m tired of seeing the same thing every day. I want people to see what I see every day, a boring view of the outside. I chose this view because I feel like I’m a prisoner to this view of the outside world.
Sunset Dream
by London
I took this picture on the bridge by Anacostia Highschool. I selected it because it made me feel neutral because this picture is kind of sad. The gate is in the and is stopping me from seeing the sunset at the full capacity, but the sun is still visible and can be seen. It really sums up my experience of quarantine because the bars are there to protect me, but the sun makes me very happy.
Quarantine Days
by Andrenae
I’m usually up early, so I’ll just sit and look out my window for a while until it’s time for me to go to class.
by Temil
How am I spending my time during quarantine?
Ever since being in quarantine it has given me the opportunity to just reflect on a lot of things. I find myself thinking about things that I was suppose to do and now contemplating about how I’m going to actually get it done. As you may know I graduated last year (June2019) with many intentions on seeking further education after. Due to so many circumstances and things I didn’t have a lot of support on I wasn’t able to attend college last fall. Not because of me but because I didn’t really have the necessary resources or that support that I needed to actually have everything straight. I tried my best to figure out and do everything myself but it was just certain things I couldn’t. I’m big on school if you know me you know I love to learn something new.
Daily Agenda
by Shae
This image displays my everyday life since being in quarantine. The orange board is a calendar that I used to keep up with due dates, birthdays, exams, or even daily tasks. The number 10 square is one of many squares on the wall that was used to help my nephews add, subtract, and learn their ABC’s. Last, but not least, the biological science textbook is one of many books that I used this semester to help me complete my classes. This book was used daily to help me learn new material and prepare for exams.
The Big Picture
by Jessica
As a young adult, I have many plans for my future because I am about to graduate. However, this pandemic definitely changed my plans. The beginning of this quarantine was very stressful for me because I had to adapt to online classes, I stopped going to my soccer and softball practices, my sleeping routine wasn’t good, and I had to think about what college I wanted to attend. I felt depressed because I couldn't go out and I felt demotivated to do my homework. After three weeks, I realized that I wasn't making any progress because I was spending too much time on social media, so I decided to do something good for myself.
Un Día Ordinario
by Tania
Mi experiencia en esta pandemia es resumida en esta fotografía. Ahora más que nunca, estoy ocupada con trabajo de la universidad tanto que me he vuelto fan de los libros de filosofía. Mi computadora se ha vuelto mi amiga cercana porque a través de ella entrego mis trabajos y me mantengo en contacto con el mundo exterior. La música y un buen té me ayudan a despejar mi mente. Casi nunca salgo, pero cuando lo hago, me aseguro de mantener una buena higiene y seguir las medidas recomendadas. Cada objeto de la imagen simboliza mi actual cuarentena.
Enlightenment of Isolation
by Samirah
This is a picture of me from the beginning of quarantine sitting inside my building.
This picture in many ways depicts me being stuck inside and patiently waiting to be let outside again. I see myself as a social butterfly even though I now don’t go outside as often and there is little social interaction. I love relaxing but I also love being around people and outside.
The Big Picture
by J’yona
This photo is a collage of pictures that include my house, my bed, my Amazon Alexa, and my street view. I chose to depict these items because when I close my eyes and think of the word quarantine those things are what I see. I am usually asleep during the day or I’m sitting on my porch just watching cars pass. Then, at night, I listen to music because my sleep schedule is all the way backwards.
Ms. Distance Learning Blues
by Lee
Before the quarantine, I was happy to complete all of my work either early or on time. However, during this time, distance learning has completely stressed me out. One major project that I started before school was the reading of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. In this project, not only did I have to do a metacognitive log for each "chapter," but I also had to do three art pieces that represented the story. I chose to take a picture of these three pieces because of how tedious focusing on that project during this pandemic was. They sum up what I have been doing during this entire quarantine: working.
Family Time
by Shae
This is the newest addition to my family. Devon is his name, and as you can see, he loves Elmo, and is a big fan of the entire Sesame Street show. Spending time with him daily is one of my greatest pleasures since being quarantined. I, too, have learned a few songs from Sesame Street since being back. Watching him grow and turn 1 has been an amazing experience. He’s full of energy and loves to dance. Just one thing you shouldn’t do....turn off his Sesame Street or his Baby Shark.
Painted Walls
by Sasa
This is my mood piece. This is my defeatist piece, my resilience piece, my ingratitude and my gracious piece. My despair and the hope that has always gotten me through. I painted this on April 30th, I had been flying high all week, but the caginess got to me, and I was suddenly discontent. I was missing everything including but not limited to, my friends, my fears, humanity at large, I was tired of my room and the concept of four walls. So I painted the thing I despised, but I painted it empty of people. I was imagining a world for myself in which outside was safe and I spent no time indoors. I painted it in bright colors because I missed the colors of life. I painted it imprecisely, because I was tired of straight lines and holding things in. Later, I noticed all the things it represents.
Cabin Fever
by China
1 May 2020
It’s been 9 days since my Grandma’s funeral, and 7 days since my birthday. Having a funeral where you must remain 6ft apart from your family was weirder than any normal funeral. We were instructed to only have ten family members inside of the funeral home. We had to have a funeral (viewing) in groups of ten with one hour in between so new weren’t outside for long. This was my first time being outside in a month, so I was anxious. It went smoothly and everyone is still healthy, thank God. Celebrating my birthday in quarantine wasn’t that bad actually, my parents cooked and got me a cake.
This is the first image that comes to mind when picturing how I am spending my days during quarantine. While I may not be able to go to the mall, movies, or library as I would like, there is still a way to get around, be cooped up in the house, or get some fresh air. It is a relief that the Stay-at- home Order has not been so stringent as to force people to stay in their homes during the course of events. Walking around the neighborhood is one of the best ways to pass time. I especially go for a walk in the morning before most people are awake around seven o’clock or so. I just listen to the environment as it is without any interference. Even if it's raining outside, one can still walk outdoors for as long as they decide to do so.