Perla’s Magical Goodbye / El adiós mágico de Perla

Perla’s Magical Goodbye / El adiós mágico de Perla
Authors: Deyssy Mosso, Yenner Rengifo Chaverra
Illustrator: Fatima Seck
In Perla’s Magical Goodbye, Deyssy and Yenner wanted to write a book that reflects the experience of leaving home to move to another country. Perla has been friends with Pablo and Genesis for as long as they can remember. But now that Perla is moving away from her hometown of San Unicornio to the US, she is sad about leaving them. After making a wish at the town’s unicorn fountain, Perla and her friends are visited by a magical creature who helps them spend one last beautiful day together. How can Perla and her friends learn to hold onto these magical memories and say goodbye?
En El adiós mágico de Perla, Deyssy y Yenner quisieron escribir un libro que reflejara la experiencia de dejar su hogar y mudarse a otro país. Perla ha estado con sus amigos Pablo y Génesis desde que tiene memoria. Pero ahora que Perla se va a mudar de su pueblo natal, San Unicornio, hacia los EE. UU., está triste por dejarlos. Después de pedir un deseo en la fuente del unicornio del pueblo, Perla y sus amigos son visitados por una criatura mágica que los ayuda a compartir un último y hermoso día juntos. ¿Cómo aprenderán Perla y sus amigos a preservar estas memorias mágicas y decir adiós?
ISBN: 978-1-950807-40-6
Age: 4-9
Lexile: AD550L
Page Count: 40
Published: Fall 2021
Book Trailer
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Meet the Authors
As immigrants and activists, the young people at LAYC recognized the urgent need for #OwnVoices stories to provide a human face to the U.S. immigration debate. With few youth-focused books reflecting their personal narratives, they decided to boldly share their own. In the Beyond Borders series, young authors wrote children’s books centering immigrant stories. Through Author Talks, book donations, and books sales, the voices of these predominantly Latinx immigrant authors have reached readers and leaders across the country. Proceeds from their books support new authors and fund scholarships for immigrant youth.
My name is Deyssy (she/her). When I wrote my books I was a student at the University of the District of Columbia. I am majoring in Social Work and expect to graduate in May 2023. When I am not writing or in classes, I am interning at So Others Might Eat (SOME), working at a local restaurant, or painting! Once I graduate from UDC, I would like to attend law school and enter a full-time job where I can keep helping vulnerable communities. I want to let my readers know that no matter how hard or difficult times can be, there is always a light of hope encouraging you to not give up. As human beings, we are fighters.