Searching for Sancocho / En busca del sancocho

Searching for Sancocho / En busca del sancocho
Authors: Mario Serrano, Jamileth Brito
Illustrator: Yurieli Otero-Asmar
In Searching for Sancocho, Jamileth and Mario wanted to write a book that celebrated the deep connection of family recipes and honored their lost loved ones. Aurora misses her abuela, who recently passed away. Neighbors and friends in D.C. keep bringing dishes to the house to help her family mourn, but all Aurora wants is Abuela's famous sancocho. After finding a magic pink bike that flies her all the way to the Dominican Republic, Aurora visits all Abuela’s old favorite places in hopes of finding the recipe. Will Aurora be able to find the secret ingredient and keep Abuela’s famous sancocho alive?
En En busca del sancocho, Jamileth y Mario quisieron escribir un libro que celebrara la conexión íntima de las recetas familiares y honrara a los seres queridos que han perdido. Aurora extraña a su abuela, la cual falleció recientemente. Sus vecinos y amigos en D.C. llevan comida a la casa para ayudar a su familia a pasar el luto, pero lo único que quiere Aurora es el famoso sancocho de Abuela. Después de encontrar una bicicleta rosada mágica que la vuela hasta la República Dominicana, Aurora visita todos los lugares favoritos de Abuela con la esperanza de encontrar la receta. ¿Podrá encontrar Aurora el ingrediente secreto y mantener vivo el famoso sancocho de Abuela?
ISBN: 978-1-950807-38-3
Age: 4-9
Lexile: AD530L
Page Count: 40
Published: Fall 2021
Book Trailer
Meet the Authors
As immigrants and activists, the young people at LAYC recognized the urgent need for #OwnVoices stories to provide a human face to the U.S. immigration debate. With few youth-focused books reflecting their personal narratives, they decided to boldly share their own. In the Beyond Borders series, young authors wrote children’s books centering immigrant stories. Through Author Talks, book donations, and books sales, the voices of these predominantly Latinx immigrant authors have reached readers and leaders across the country. Proceeds from their books support new authors and fund scholarships for immigrant youth.
Mario wrote Searching for Sancocho while a senior at DC International School. He is originally from El Salvador.