Why Our Lives Matter

Why Our Lives Matter
by Aniyah

Dear Aunt Venis,

I know you think you are right, and I know some things you cannot change because it is who you are. I know you love your family and that you would be hurt deeply if something happened to one of us. However, I want you to understand that you hurt us everyday when you post #alllivesmatter. The Black Lives Matter movement is something that affects your family everyday. When people say #blacklivesmatter and you respond with well “#alllivesmatter,” it says that you refuse to see the discrimination that is happening everyday.

Nobody in the Black Lives Matter movement is saying your life doesn't matter AT ALL. The simple fact is that BLACK lives are not equal. I watched a video the other day that broke it down so that a 5 year old could understand. Basically, it gives a scenario where you are in a neighborhood and a house burns down so you call the firefighters to come. Once they come, they should spray water on that one burning house. However, when you say All Lives Matter, it is as if the firefighters come and somebody says “Well, why not spray water on the other houses?” However, are those the houses in need right now? No. (Not say that the other “houses” don’t matter, but why take away from something that’s obviously in need of help?)

I hope you understand what I am saying because our family, which is African American, would greatly appreciate it if you realized the harm in your actions. We love you and care for you, but if you can’t see that what you're doing is wrong, then it makes it harmful for us to be around you. Until people like you realize that racism and discrimination still exist, then we have anything else to discuss.

With love ,
Your African American Niece Niyah

Barrett Smithweek 14