Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

As of today, I am filled with an overwhelming amount of anxiety and fear. For the past two weeks I have been burdened with uncertainty, but until two days ago this virus hadn’t affected my family yet.

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The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by Temil Whipple

The First Two Weeks... I can’t believe it’s only been two weeks. In such a short time, it feels like everything has changed. It’s unbelievable because I can’t really explain what has caused such tragedy. Not too long ago the world was exposed to an unexpected virus, COVID-19 which first evolved in China. This virus is so powerful and contaminated that it made its way all the way to the U.S. Not only has it affected us, but it has dehumanized us.

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The Interrupted Two Weeks

The Interrupted Two Weeks
by Shawma

Everyday is the same routine
Do work, Eat, Watch Tv, and Sleep
Before any of this started I was a college student enjoying the life of an average freshman
Going to parties, maintaining a minimum wage job, going to class, and just being social
That has changed
Coronavirus has taken over my life
I literally feel trapped in a box

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With Washed Hands

Dear Diary,

It has been two weeks of quarantine and I never missed school soo much. Teachers have been overloading us with work and to be honest, this online school is not the move. Over these two weeks, I've learned that online school isn't for everyone. I was really hoping to go back to school but they extended the date till April 27. I am beyond upset. Why does this have to happen in my senior year? *crying out loud*

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Sam and Lee

Sam and Lee
by Sam

Who knew life could change so quickly? Just three weeks ago I was leaving college for spring break, I was happy, had a job, straight A’s in school, a phone.

Now two weeks and I attempt to be happy and in a positive mindset.

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The First Two Weeks...

The First Two Weeks…
by Shae

The first of new lessons on love, joy, humility, respect, and mostly family. You learn more about the people around you, and mostly about yourself. In times of crisis, it feels like the world is coming to an end, yet when family is around, the only thing you can do is hope for the best.

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