The Letter
(Week 6 :May 6-12)
In week 8 of quarantine, many of us have been distanced from friends and loved ones who we are used to seeing daily. We have since had to come up with creative ways to stay connected and maintain our relationships. I want you to choose one person who you have not seen since the shut down. Create a piece of art addressed to them. This can be a letter, poem, song, picture(s), etc. Have your piece explain who this person is to you (you do not need to use their real name if you are uncomfortable), why they are important to you, and how it feels to be apart from them. Is there any part of your relationship that you have taken for granted? Create a piece that answers these questions.
Dear Sophie,
It's been a few weeks since I last saw you in person, but it feels like forever. You are the reason why I think we don't need to know someone for long to trust and love them. We lived on the same floor and we didn't know each other for a while until a third person introduced us. Our friendship began when we became study partners and now I can proudly call you my close friend. I never thought that this quarantine would bring us closer and I realized many things that I took for granted, such as not telling you how good you are as a friend and how much I appreciate you, not only showing it to you with words but with actions. I want you to know that you are an incredible person who helps me grow as a person in all aspects.
Dear Kairon,
I miss getting to see you everyday. Ever since you got home, I looked forward to seeing you. You are important to me because you motivate me. You motivated me to be a better person. It is devastating to be apart from you all the time because I miss you. I have taken our relationship for granted because of the times that I hurt you and I really regret it.
Querido Abuelo,
Espero que te encuentre muy bien de salud y que todo se encuentre bien y de igual manera la familia que esté bien. El motivo de esta carta es para hacerle saber la afortunada que soy, al haber tenido la oportunidad de ser criada por una persona como tu. Aun recuerdo muchas cosas y consejos los cuales en ese tiempo era imposible entenderlo, pero con el tiempo me estoy dando cuenta que hoy son necesarios. Quiero agradecerle por creer y confiar en mi cuando nadie mas lo hacia.
Dear Friend of Color Sky Blue:
It is now May 8th at week 8 of quarantine. This quarantine has brought me to a point of existential crisis. Sometimes I feel that the days are very short and that they do not reach what I set out to do, such as writing or reading. I always go to video games instead. I love video games because it is the way in which I can connect with you, that we can walk through the streets and virtual cars. A small way to be close to you and to be able to listen while we talk about the great graphics that we have today. Things have changed a lot since the quarantine. I know we didn't see much of each other, but when we went out with the squad it was the best. I still remember that night that we wanted to go to a disco to dance, but none of our other friends could. I know the hours passed and we didn't know what to do and we ended up having a chat in the IHOP at 3: A.M. along with some pancakes with cheese sticks.
A letter to Those I Don’t Know What to Call Anymore but Have Forgiven and Hope I Somehow Forget
by Ayah
What do I call a person, people, now neither friends nor community. What do I tell my own self whom I am just as clueless about?
I’m not going to let this letter explain anything because I sat here for too long thinking how I can tell without telling. Instead this will be a letter that I hope will be like the fields of flowers I want to run through someday wearing boots, a flower crown, a twirly dress and holding either a chicken, a sword, an axe or a bow.
I sometimes leave without a word, and it either feels like running away or it’s actually the best thing to do for me. Whether it’s people, things, thoughts or viruses, right now I am happy I’m with myself. With myself I wish to be and to do and to think.
Athletic Passion
by Jessica
Soccer is a passion that connects both of us,
It’s amazing to see you practicing to get better,
The field is our happy place no matter the weather,
You know I get there early even when I have to take the bus.
by Bilal
been a minute since i’ve seen you, bro
quarantine has been a mf drag, i can’t fade for much longer
hope you & the fam are healthy, though, that’s obv the most important part
but i’m getting mad bored
Flowers Always Bloom
by Litzi
The Nigella Flower takes 8-15 days to bloom. It is actually one of the fastest blooming flowers known. At least, that's what Google says. In the past eight weeks, I haven’t seen my mother. This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. I drew the Nigella flower for her because she helped me quickly bloom into the beautiful woman I am today.
Dear Bestie,
Words can’t express how hard it’s been without your presence over these last couple weeks. I was just doing some thinking over the quarantine, and realized how much of an impact you have been on my entire life. I’m so grateful to have such a caring and compassionate friend like you. We can literally go the whole day just laughing at each other’s jokes non-stop. I love how I can just be myself around you without feeling uncomfortable. Being apart for so long is so hard, but it’s okay. I know once this is all over we will be back lit, lol. I just really wanted to take the time to tell you how much I appreciate and how much of an impact you have been on my life. We shall get through this together, through distance and all. I can’t wait until we can just be able to roam the world again together. I miss going any and everywhere just because we are bored and have nothing to do. I can’t wait until we are able to spend time with each other again. I know it’s going to be sooner rather than later!
To Whom This Concerns!
by Najae
I’m writing this letter to you,
because I miss you
I haven’t heard from you
in a while.
How have you been?
Dear Old Friend,
I really miss seeing you everyday--from meeting in the common room to having lunch in the cafe. It’s the little times that we spent together that I hold close, like walking from class together or walking to 7th St.. It is the conversations that I miss the most. Let's not forget breakfast sandwiches after dark or the 3NW late night rap sessions, all great times and all great adventures. The idea of us not living in the same dorm again is sad, but at least we're walking distance. Thank you for all of the memories we have together and I can’t wait to make many more. Until next time.
Querido Tony,
Espero que te encuentres bien y que tus seres queridos también están en perfecto estado de salud, se que con este caso del virus nos hemos apartado. Ya tenemos más de dos meses de no vernos, me haces mucha falta, extraño compartir tiempo contigo y con nuestros seres queridos. También paso extrañando esas tardes donde salíamos a pasear y nos la pasabamos muy bien.
A letter to My Favorite Elder
by Marlow
Dear GG,
As the last remaining grandparent on either side of my mother and father, you are more vital to me than you could ever know. The lessons you have bestowed upon me over the years are plentiful. I cherish the fond memories that we have had together over time, be it visiting and you preparing pancakes for breakfast as I watched Looney Tunes, or going to church service on Sundays a while back. I have to say without a doubt that you are the only grandparent that I have ever really been able to know due to my father’s parents residing in Nigeria. While my father’s parents are no longer amongst the living, sadly, I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to meet them. Sadly, the memories of them pale in comparison to the ones I have built with them. The reason why I have been so silent as of late is due to the pandemic. Since it continues without any clear indication as to when it will end with a viable vaccine, I worry for you a great deal.
To Ken (who I miss deeply),
From talking everyday to rarely talking at all, from seeing each other everyday to not seeing each other at all, oh how I miss my Ken Ken. We met just last year, but it seems like forever. We had every class together until now when there’s no class to see you in. We do talk here and there, but it is not the same. We can’t go on lunch dates or nail dates and talk about everything... Oh how I miss the talks, oh, how I miss the arguments and then the make-ups. COVID-19 may seem like it pulled us away, but it is bringing us closer. My deeply loved friend, oh how I miss you and the moments we shared... I hope to see you soon...
Letter to My Friend
by Japan
The new 2020 is taking a huge toll on my life. It seems unreal. I miss London. London and I were together almost everyday. We sat together in the classroom on the days when we had classes together. Sometimes, we would eat and enjoy ourselves together. London and I were like two peas in a pod, especially after school. After school, London and I would sometimes walk to work. If I caught him leaving the building, we would walk the same way home. London helped me manage a lot. London is so supportive and trustworthy, the most loyal friend I’ve ever had. Even on field trips London and I were together. It doesn’t matter if it was for 15 minutes we always talked. I miss London a lot. Due to quarantine, we only talk a few times a week. Sometimes we don’t talk at all because we can both be extremely busy at times because managing our grades is a powerful role. I miss you LONDON.
Dear Sameya,
I miss when we used to hangout and just talk in Anacostia Park. You really helped me a lot, especially when I was feeling very unsure about this one thing. You were all ears for our whole 4 years of friendship. You are like family personified and I wouldn't trade you in for the world, Sameya. When we have issues, we always sort them out with each other, and I like that we can do that. I've really been missing you during this quarantine because it feels like you are a part of me. Since you're not here, I have to discover what it finally means to be me. I still confide in you, though, and still call even though it's not everyday. I care about you, Sameya, and I really do hope you're ok.