Shout In Place graphic depicting a black mouse in a teal house, using a megaphone to shout out of the house. Graphic reads “#ShoutInPlace Amplifying under heard voices during the COVID-19 crisis. Find out more at”

The Letter
(Week 6 :May 6-12)

In week 8 of quarantine, many of us have been distanced from friends and loved ones who we are used to seeing daily. We have since had to come up with creative ways to stay connected and maintain our relationships. I want you to choose one person who you have not seen since the shut down. Create a piece of art addressed to them. This can be a letter, poem, song, picture(s), etc. Have your piece explain who this person is to you (you do not need to use their real name if you are uncomfortable), why they are important to you, and how it feels to be apart from them. Is there any part of your relationship that you have taken for granted? Create a piece that answers these questions.