Dear World

Dear World,

I’m here to tell you about this special place that only my special friends know about! It’s

called 3NW. At 3NW, we listen to music, we dance around, we throw birthday parties, we

schedule movie nights, and most importantly, we share our stories. We make sure that everyone

knows that they are welcome and can be themselves. However, 3NW has been abandoned since the pandemic.

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The Empty Smithsonian

The Empty Smithsonian
by Shawma

Once filled with hundreds of people each day, it is now a very lonely place
When it was opened before all this started it was like a small booming city
The African American History Museum was visited by people all across the ends of the earth
Every person that entered through those doors were apart of a different culture interested in the history of African Americans
The African American History Museum was not like a normal museum
It takes you through time to see the trials and tribulations of one culture,

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by Wendy

Debido a la pandemia que estamos viviendo del COVID-19, las iglesias y el gobierno han tenido que tomar muchas medidas muy drásticas. Uno de los lugares que nunca en mi vida espere ver cerrado o sin personas fue la iglesia. Yo asisto a una iglesia llamada, St Gabriel Church, en la Georgia Ave, DC y la verdad es que ha sido un golpe muy fuerte para las personas cristianas que se congregan en dichas iglesias. Es una locura el observar que antes las iglesias pasaban llena los días sábado y domingo, ya que eran días más accesibles para las personas, y ahora al pasar por ahí y ver todo cerrado da mucha tristeza. Para mi, la iglesia significaba algo especial, era como mi lugar favorito los fines de semana En el, podía encontrarme con algunos familiares, también podía ver a algunas amistades que también asistían. Era un lugar de mucha paz, donde yo podía ir y encontrarme con Dios si hablamos de manera personal. Era una de las mejores cosas que podía hacer mis fines de semana.

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I am empty.

I am empty.
As grandly as I may stand, I miss the people that once filled me.
I miss the faces, the lines shoulder to shoulder, the groups huddled to learn or to simply catch up.
The books on my shelves, as holy as they are, have begun to pick up dust with no one around to pick them up.
No longer is the sound of recitation that calmed many hearts heard around the halls, no longer are people being called.

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Dear World

Dear World,

There are many things that bring me joy since being on quarantine. Some of them are music, food, and family. These are things that I endure daily, but it’s more cherishing now. I love being around my family and having good meals with them. We’re always listening to music! We sing and dance around the room. Sometimes we dance to the same song as a day before and sometimes it’s different. Either way, it’s enjoyable. I never thought that I would enjoy Sesame Street as much as I do now, especially when watching it with my nephews. I think that Grover is my new favorite monster.

Until next time,


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by Wendy

En un lugar muy lejano, despertó una girasol,

la cual estaba rodeada de miles y miles de girasoles,

unas más grandes que otras,

unas con un brillo inigualable

y otras intentando crecer,

Todas hermosas.

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by Ayah

I guess I’ve improved myself because I can sit here and say, I bring myself joy. That said, I don’t want to make everything about me so here’s a list of stuff that makes me happy:

My mama
My cute little plant baby who’s growing so fast and is named Mustafa
Kurulus: Osman

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by Victoria

Some of the things that bring me joy during this time is being on Tiktok, Instagram, and Cleaning. Also, going over other family members’ houses and spending time with them. I have maintained joy by constantly talking and calling friends. Something that happened during this quarantine that is unfortunate is that I found out I might not go to the school that I really want to. However, I am really hoping I can go.

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The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by Kairon

In these past two weeks, my family and I have been struggling to keep ourselves, and sometimes our tempers, under control. We have been struggling to find something to do, and just play the game and watch TV. I have learned to take better care of myself, not just physically, but mentally. I have called family members who I haven’t talked to in a long time, or talked to friends who live in other states. My day starts off with breakfast with my family, then I play my Xbox or with my dog. I watch movies on Netflix or Hulu, or I will talk to my mom about a show called For Life, and then I go to sleep.

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The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by London

I'm my first two weeks of quarantine, I was determined to finish my week one packet from school. The people close to me didn't really care about quarantine and were still doing whatever they felt was right. The first two weeks I learned that I am a true extrovert and not a homebody. I can't stand staying in the house because I'm so used to going out. At that time, I still didn't know if school was actually coming back or not. During quarantine I simply listen to music because it's my sanity and it relaxes me.

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Las Primeras Dos Semanas

Las Primeras Dos Semanas
by Wendy

Existen ocasiones en las que lo puedes tener todo, pero no te das cuenta de la gran virtud que estás teniendo. Hasta que pasa algo, y cuando abres los ojos te das cuenta de todo lo que te estabas perdiendo. Solo han pasado dos semanas desde que el virus nos golpea y patéticamente sentimos que han pasado semanas y semanas, nadie estaba preparado para esto. Todo el mundo tenía planes de fiesta con su familia, con amigos, o planes que queríamos desarrollar a futuro. Es que vivimos tan preocupados por el futuro, que nos estábamos olvidando de vivir nuestro presente.

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The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by Ayah

If you asked me what I thought of the sudden call to quarantine, I was happy. Actually, happy was an understatement, I was elated. Why? Well let me put it this way:
1) My dreams of being the main character of some dystopian story/important historical event was coming true
2) I was exhausted when I thought of people and the regular day-to-day life
3) I’ve always wanted to just stay home and do my stuff, or maybe even emerge out of a cocoon like a butterfly

Like any dream come true, there’s always problems. What are they?

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The First Two Weeks

The First Two Weeks
by Victoria

These two weeks have changed me in many ways. I went from an outside girl to having to stay inside the house all the time. The people that were close to me were affected because we were not able to hang out as much like we normally do. In these two weeks I realized how easily things can change and that it's best to hold onto the good moments. Something that seems uncertain is how long we will be stuck in quarantine. I have struggled to find joy in online school because it is extremely hard and confusing.

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The First Two Weeks
by April

Two weeks have passed since the shutdown because of the coronavirus. Schools, restaurants, and other locations have been closed. My mom, stepfather, and I all work at a restaurant, and we all have lost our jobs “temporarily”. My brother and I are in school and we have been receiving our classes online. Classes are even harder because the teachers and the entire school system was not prepared for this either. Sometimes I help my brother with his classes since his work looks like my Blackboard account from college. He is smart and he knows English very well, but he still needs my help. This led me to think about young immigrants who recently arrived and don’t understand English or have access to a computer. They are struggling the most and it hurts me. At the same time, it makes me appreciate what I already have.

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Tee's Cookoff

Tee’s Cookoff
by Temil

Over the quarantine, I have been trying different activities that I once wasn’t into before. One of those happens to be cooking. I told myself that it’s about time I learn how to cook. If you know me, you know I’m not big in the kitchen lol. Anywho, one day I had decided that I wanted to try to make one of my favorite meals. I always get my mom to cook this for me. That meal happens to be spaghetti. I’m not sure why, but I love spaghetti. I don’t know if it’s the noodles or the sauce lol. Furthermore, let me take you step-by-step how I make and like my spaghetti (with the guidance of my mom lol).

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Pandemic Cookbook

Pandemic Cookbook
by Litzi

Recipe by Mizz Nezz

Me and my friends have started doing cooking challenges together. We look at what is trending on social media so that we can have something fun to distract us from COVID 19. I personally am not a great cook. There have been times that I almost burned the apartment down from just boiling water (which I know is tragic). The challenge that I’ve had great success with is crepes. I personalized the recipe by spreading nutella and adding sliced strawberries after following the directions. Cooking is very therapeutic for me because I can take my time doing it whenever I want. These easy to follow recipes have been making me feel healthier. I used to buy a lot of ready to microwave food or tons of frozen food, which explains why I was taking 7 hour naps. Now, I can get by a whole day without taking any naps.

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A Sweet Pancake for Earthlings

An important message to earth:

...I don’t have much time… I really don’t. Dear earthlings, I have found it. Finally, I have found what we’ve been looking for all these years. After traveling throughout strange lands, different matters, and meeting different people, it is a pleasure to inform you that I have finally found it in this quarantine time after all those failed experiments. Through the magic and intelligent window, a stranger told me the rules I had to follow and so I did. Let me tell you something about this treasure. You have to make your own, otherwise, it’s not going to work. I was following the rules, but something inside of me told me that something wasn’t quite right. I started mixing things up until I got the perfect mystical mixture we all have been craving for. The following are the seven (perfect number) ingredients to a whole new fantasy.

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Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast Sandwich
by London

The recipe I have is for a delicious sandwich that my mom makes. What you'll need is:

Butter, Bread, Toaster, Maple Bacon, Eggs, Cheese, Strawberry or Grape Jelly, Syrup

First, you should toast your bread. You can do this on the stove with the butter, or you can toast it and put the butter on that way. Then, you are going to start cooking your bacon. 2-4 strips should be more than enough for one sandwich. Next, you are going to make your eggs. You can do so much with your eggs. You can add salt and or pepper or no salt and or pepper, cheese or no cheese, but they have to be scrambled. I just like mine basic with just scrambled eggs and cheese.

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