The Mostly Vegequarentinians  Go-To

The Mostly Vegequarentinians Go-To
by Camal Ali

There’s something euphoric about a hot meal, like a warm hug extended to the stomach. Ahhhh… you gotta love comfort food. From the satisfying colors that brush the taste buds, and to the nap that follows. It is the only food to sing to me as the mermaid sings to the sailor. I say to you, thank you and amen.

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How to Make Shrimp Alfredo

How to Make Shrimp Alfredo
by Shae

This recipe is very special to me because it’s my sister's recipe. I was going to mention her name, but she doesn’t like publicity. However, I can say that she does a very good job at making this pasta. I chose her recipe because it’s one of my favorite meals that she makes. It’s so good that we have it at least twice a month. Since being on quarantine, this meal has outdone the cafe so many times. The warm mixture of the Alfredo and shrimp combined is a wonderful smell, image, and taste.

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Churro Recipe

Churro Recipe
by Jessica

I am a person that loves sweets, but at this time, I can’t go out and buy my favorite desserts. I asked my mother to buy me the necessary ingredients to make churros. Churros are a fried-dough pastry, this churros are traditional and originated from Spain and Portugal.

Today, I would love to share the recipe to make churros which are my favorite desserts.

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Vegetarian Fun (Fried Mushrooms)

Vegetarian Fun (Fried Mushrooms)
by Sam

I am a vegetarian and I often like to try different things, open my palette to new things, and introduce others to healthier alternatives. One of my favorite foods to cook is our fried mushrooms. I have definitely made them a couple of times over this quarantine. It is also a family and friend favorite.

Fried Mushrooms ( very delicious)

Cook Time 15 - 25 minutes

Pairs well with rice, side salad

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 Arroz con Leche 

(“Cómo hacer arroz en leche receta de postre casera tradicional”)

Arroz con leche

by Yesenia

1.Primero vamos a aromatizar la leche en la que cocemos el arroz. Para ello echa en una olla la leche junto con el azúcar, las ramas de canela, y ponla a fuego medio hasta que hierva, hasta que veas que empieza a burbujear.

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Letter to My Best Friend

Dear friend Antonio,

I hope you and your family are okay. I know we are living hard times, but we need to be positive and follow all the instructions to keep us safe, taking care of our health and our loved ones.

I wanted to tell you that I was looking at Tik Tok and found the recipe for the Dominican drink ¨Morir Soñando¨ I really love this drink and I know, if you try it, you are gonna love it too. I wanted to share it with you. The drink is basically made from three ingredients. It is recommended for summertime because it is a cold drink. Also, this delicious drink can be for both children and adults.

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Strawberry Smoothie

Dear Diary,
During quarantine, I've been trying to stay healthy and feed my body with fruits and vegetables. I've also been working out because I've noticed that if I just stay in one place, it's not healthy for my body. Moving around and eating healthy has been the way for me. I told my mom to buy fruits and vegetables so we can start making juices and smoothies. My go-to smoothie after my workouts is called a Strawberry Smoothie. I enjoy it so much because strawberries are my favorite fruit and it’s a healthy choice.

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A Taste of Smoothie

A Taste of Smoothie
by Aniyah

Something that I have really enjoyed while on quarantine is learning new recipes. Something new that I have enjoyed is this strawberry/ banana / mango smoothie.

What you would need is frozen fruit. They don't have to be the ones I chose; any frozen fruit of your choice will do.

Also, you need a blender (small or big)
Yogurt or milk of your choice
And honey (for a natural sweetener )

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How to Make Ayah’s Liquid Gold Sandwich


-2 slices of bread per sandwich, preferably a kind of bread that holds well, but isn’t too thick or thin (brioche depends). Honestly, just use any bread you want. I don’t have the time, nor the crayons, to explain bread science.

-Any sort of cheese that’s yellow/orange, you can use the regular ones in the plastic wrappies, but I like to feel special and use fancy organic valley cheese. Of course, you do have freedom of cheese.

-Butter (maybe one with a picture of Paula Deen on it, but we don’t discriminate against vegan butter)

-A camera. To really do it the authentic way, don’t use an actual camera, just pretend there is one and you are filming a youtube video

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Recipes Slowing Covid

Recipes Slowing Covid
by Marlow

A recipe that comes to mind over the entire pandemic would be a brew that my father stumbled upon when he was looking at posts through facebook. There were times when I would awake and smell something from the kitchen that did not seem right in the slightest. Keep in mind my father and my father alone is the only one who makes the concoction, and for good reason. For one, I have never seen him prepare anything besides dishes that he learned from back home in Nigeria, so to see him prepare a beverage was something to witness. My mother is the Martha Stewart of the household and he could probably give her a run for her money. Not to get too off track, the brew that my father makes does not have a formal name to my knowledge. The main and constant ingredient in this refreshment has to be ginger, and ginger root to be precise. To begin the creation of this beverage, you must bring a medium size pot of water, bring it to a boil, and add the sliced and/or minced pieces of ginger root.

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Special Smoothie

Special Smoothie
by Japan

The pandemic cookbook : my special is a smoothie that I drink often. It’s the orange juice smoothie. The orange juice smoothie boosts your immune system and loads you up on Vitamin C and other important vitamins so that we do not get as sick. Here are the steps to making the orange juice smoothie.

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Finding Joy

Finding Joy
by Marc

Finding joy from the beginning was hard. Everything was gray and dull. A few bright spots for me were getting to actually sleep in and being able to relax with my family more. It makes things less tense. The hard part for me was still trying to enjoy the college life, while also juggling a social life, my family life, and all of the college assignments becoming online now. To combine this all, at first, seemed like a tall task, but with a modest plan of taking it a step at a time helped me through my issue. As of now, I complete my assignments in a timely manner. I get more time to spend with my younger brother, playing on my xbox, and watching TV with my mom and grandparents.

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Sunset Dream

Sunset Dream
by London

I took this picture on the bridge by Anacostia Highschool. I selected it because it made me feel neutral because this picture is kind of sad. The gate is in the and is stopping me from seeing the sunset at the full capacity, but the sun is still visible and can be seen. It really sums up my experience of quarantine because the bars are there to protect me, but the sun makes me very happy.

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by Temil

How am I spending my time during quarantine?

Ever since being in quarantine it has given me the opportunity to just reflect on a lot of things. I find myself thinking about things that I was suppose to do and now contemplating about how I’m going to actually get it done. As you may know I graduated last year (June2019) with many intentions on seeking further education after. Due to so many circumstances and things I didn’t have a lot of support on I wasn’t able to attend college last fall. Not because of me but because I didn’t really have the necessary resources or that support that I needed to actually have everything straight. I tried my best to figure out and do everything myself but it was just certain things I couldn’t. I’m big on school if you know me you know I love to learn something new.

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Athletic Passion

Athletic Passion
by Jessica

Soccer is a passion that connects both of us,

It’s amazing to see you practicing to get better,

The field is our happy place no matter the weather,

You know I get there early even when I have to take the bus.

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by Bilal


been a minute since i’ve seen you, bro

quarantine has been a mf drag, i can’t fade for much longer

hope you & the fam are healthy, though, that’s obv the most important part

but i’m getting mad bored

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Flowers Always Bloom

Flowers Always Bloom
by Litzi

The Nigella Flower takes 8-15 days to bloom. It is actually one of the fastest blooming flowers known. At least, that's what Google says. In the past eight weeks, I haven’t seen my mother. This past Sunday was Mother’s Day. I drew the Nigella flower for her because she helped me quickly bloom into the beautiful woman I am today.

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Dear Bestie

Dear Bestie,

Words can’t express how hard it’s been without your presence over these last couple weeks. I was just doing some thinking over the quarantine, and realized how much of an impact you have been on my entire life. I’m so grateful to have such a caring and compassionate friend like you. We can literally go the whole day just laughing at each other’s jokes non-stop. I love how I can just be myself around you without feeling uncomfortable. Being apart for so long is so hard, but it’s okay. I know once this is all over we will be back lit, lol. I just really wanted to take the time to tell you how much I appreciate and how much of an impact you have been on my life. We shall get through this together, through distance and all. I can’t wait until we can just be able to roam the world again together. I miss going any and everywhere just because we are bored and have nothing to do. I can’t wait until we are able to spend time with each other again. I know it’s going to be sooner rather than later!

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