Get Free
Week 12 (June 17-23)
In honor of the protests fighting for and celebrating Black lives, as well as the upcoming Juneteenth holiday. We wanted this week's prompt to be about Freedom. In your response this week, we ask that you explain to us or show us how you "get free." Consider the following questions: What does freedom mean to you? What does freedom feel like? Do you feel like you have freedom? Why or why not? What are the moments in which you feel free? What would you need in order to be free? You can answer these questions directly or you can "get free" by responding to the prompt however you would like. Perhaps, freedom to you is a video of you singing a particular song. Maybe freedom is a series of pictures of you and your friends. Whatever it may be, we want you to thoughtfully respond to the unique ways you access or dream of freedom.
The way that I get free is by creatively expressing myself through writing. The freedom that I am speaking of is in a mental sense, rather than physical. Writing is how I clear my mind, and free myself of any stress. Freedom means being able to do what you please, without any restraints of any sorts. Freedom feels like standing alone in an open field of everything your heart desires. I believe that I am free--somewhat. With certain restrictions I am free to go where I want and do things that I want. In all actuality, no one is 100% free unless they are of higher power. Those of the lower class/ middle are only allowed to do but so much. The moment that I feel free of this reality is when I am journaling. In order to be completely free in this society you need power.
Freedom is not having to say that my Black Life matters.
Yea, no shit my Life matters.
Why is it necessary to say and spread an awareness that says my Homosapien life matters?
That is fucking insane
And I feel like I am the only person who’s acknowledging this
It is insane that I’ve been reduced to a fucking color.
It is insane that I don’t know how to speak my own language.
It is insane that I don't carry my own name.
It is insane that I don’t know where I come from
It is insane that I don’t know my pre-colonial history
If someone were to ask me how I would define the term freedom, I would reply by saying that it is not being burdened by any hindrances that prevent growth mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. When I was first asked to write this prompt, I was stumped because I assumed that people already knew what freedom was, but over time, the term needs to be revised.
Dear Diary,
So many things are going on in this world, and at the end of the day, the question is are we really free? To me, freedom is happiness and a form of expression. Freedom feels like a massage after a long day. A moment in a life when I feel free is when I'm in the comfort of my own home. I am able to do whatever without people judging or looking at me the wrong way. That should be the same as when we go into the outside world.
Soy libre realmente? Muchas veces no nos hacemos esa pregunta por miedo a la respuesta que podríamos tener. Nos cuesta aceptar que nos estamos adaptando a una vida que tal vez no es la nuestra. Tantos estereotipos y cosas que el mundo y la sociedad nos quiere inculcar a seguir como si fuésemos unas simples marionetas. Para mi persona, la libertad es un privilegio que uno mismo lo consigue haciendo y siendo uno mismo.
Freedom to me is being able to be the person I want without any restrictions, rules, or laws that affect my dreams or aspirations. Being free is being able to enjoy life without being scared that what I am doing is wrong. Freedom feels like a fresh air that lets you know that you don’t have any preoccupations, gives you calm and peace.
Freedom to me means independence and confidence within myself. Freedom feels like home, it feels like love and support from all around you. I feel like I have freedom, but then I don't when it comes to my parents because I'm always being sheltered like I'm a little kid. Moments I will be able to feel free are when I'm able to do things on my own. I would need peace and stability.
Freedom to me means that everybody is treated equally and that no race thinks that they are more superior than the other. I believe that because no other race is better than the other one in any shape or fashion. Freedom feels like everyone being happy and everyone having equal control. I believe that I have freedom because I am still able to do things and I am not prevented from doing anything. Moments I feel free are when I’m in the car with the windows rolled down feeling the wind in my hair and just relaxing. I also feel free when I am out hanging with friends or when I’m at a party just having fun. You don’t need anything in particular to be free, just friends and the ability to have fun and enjoy the happy moments.
To me...
Freedom is one’s ability to be free and to be self-sufficient.
Freedom is one’s ability to do whatever they feel is right.
Freedom means the lack of chains, the lack of a burden, the lack of oppression.
Freedom has no dictatorship over one's life.