Magic List

Magic List
by Camal Ali

1). Lil Wayne - Blunt Blowin’

Lil Wyne basically summed everything that the media criticized him for into one phrase, and said yea that's exactly who I am. “I'm ah blunt blowin, Polo draws showing, I dont give a lovely m****rf**k a* ni**a..." I love how he expressed his level of apathy when it comes to what people think of him. I find inspiration in Lil Wayne's delivery. As he was able to unapologetically be himself, and it reminds me to do the same.

2). Duke Ellington & John Coltrane - In A Sentimental Mood

My Mom is actually the one to have put me on to this, but this is truly a piece of art.

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Walk On By

Walk On By
by Tywin

Over the brief amount of time that I have existed on this Earth, there have been various music genres and forms of art that have had more of an impact on me than others. Now more than ever, we are no doubt using art during the quarantine to find a shred of comfort and normalcy to cope with. One of the first songs that come to mind to keep me distracted for a moment or two would be the song “Barumba” by Incognito. It is definitely on my Jazz, Bossa Nova, and relax playlists from now until the end of the road.

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Getting Through This Pandemic With My Senses

Getting through this pandemic with my senses
by Tania

I love music because it is the kind of art that relaxes me all the time. My musical taste is diverse. I enjoy listening to music of different genres and in different languages. During this quarantine, I have been listening to Camilo - Favorito. This song has helped me get through and process the pandemic because it is the song that makes me want to dance. Camilo is one of my favorite singers, and Favorito is not only a dance song, but also romantic. In addition, it has a positive message: loving yourself without reaching typical beauty standards, "eres perfecta sin el 90 60 90" (you are perfect without the 90 60 90).

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My Quarantine & Chill

My Quarantine & Chill
by Jailah

Ghost Adventures...this is my favorite TV show when I’m really doing nothing, and really just wanna do nothing and kick back.

Music….it keeps me out of my thoughts about everything going on. I don’t have a favorite type of music. I’ll listen to just anything depending on the mood I’m in.

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by Tatiana

Alone. Alone at-last. Or, at least that is how I felt at first. I used to be attractive to so many, but now, all I see are two people here and there walking past my gates. I was a highly visited hotspot where you could come and have fun and scream when the ball went soaring. I was the reason subways would crowd once or twice a week. I was a packed house, so packed that when the home team did well, you could hear the fans screaming in excitement.

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by Camal Ali

I don't know who COVID-19 is but whoever he/she is, they sure did scare all of my visitors away. I mean they won’t even come in to greet me anymore. Apparently all I'm good for now is a curbside pick up. The promise of guaranteed fun and quality equipment once filed these hallowed halls. Children used to laugh with great vigor upon entering my store (only God knows why). Man I really miss those little guys. They marveled at me in all my sporting glory. I was needed. People came to me for all their athletic and recreational needs. Whether it was sporting accessories and apparel, or something as relaxing as a hammock. I was there.

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The Lack of Location during Quarantine

The Lack of Location during Quarantine
by Duchard

It is difficult adjusting to change during this time, and not having access to places that we consider to be a home away from home of sorts. Whether this place is a church, the office, or even a chair outside of a barbershop. Said places hold memories and have value to someone. A place that holds the most memories for me that is no longer available would be my neighborhood library. Now, I know that might seem boring to those who might say that the recreational park, the mall, the arcade, or other places would be more interesting, but that library and I go way back. I recall the first time I went to Lamond Riggs Library. It was around the middle of fall in 2007. My father had taken me there to brush up on my reading skills after my teacher suggested I would benefit from hunkering down and absorbing some material other than comic books.

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An Empty Place

An Empty Place
by Andrenae

Your place of worship is supposed to be somewhere you can always go. But you never know what can happen when things get bad and low.

An epidemic so powerful and it’s really letting you know.

When you’re hurt you need a quiet space to talk, to spill all your troubles and even yell without sin.

Use all those screams from within, to put a hole in what you know is broken.

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My Busy New Home (MSMU)

My Busy New Home (MSMU)
by Tania

You became my new home, a place to learn and to mature.

You gave me the independence I needed to become an adult.

Through you, I met new people that I now call friends.

You are a place that is supposed to prepare me for the future,

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by Najae

I live ina world where

your location defines you.

I live ina society where

kahi o ka makes you.

I live ina community where

people with the

same plaats can break you.

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by Jailah

I miss school. School was always busy. I miss the crowded hallways that I would always complain about. This place means a lot to me surprisingly. It taught me a lot, academically and so much life-wise. When it comes to your so-called “friends,” and even your family outside of school, you learn who’s really there for you and who will push when you need that motivation.

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Dear Diary

Dear Diary,
We are supposed to write about how we are finding joy through this quarantine. Since my mom, it’s been really hard to find anything that resembles joy, but there are some good days. This past Sunday was Easter and I think it’s the most joyous i’ve felt in a while. All of my siblings plus some of our friends came over and we cooked a big dinner and just enjoyed each other’s company. It was a day full of laughs and it reminded me that even in rough times you can find joy in the people you surround yourself with.


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With High Hopes

Dear Diary,

School is now closed and empty because of this serious pandemic. A place that was safe and secure, a place that gave students an education and teachers a job, a place full of networking and connections now is a place that is empty, quiet and unoccupied. I never thought school would make a difference in my daily life but, at this moment, I wish I was there more than ever. School was a place of gathering and a day full of adventures. Now, school is dull and cyber. To others, school is an escape from home and a place to eat but, for me, school is a healing of my boredom.

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TJ Maxx

TJ Maxx
by Temil

As you may know, before this whole pandemic, I was working at Tj Maxx. Before working there, I never really shopped there because I didn’t know too much about it or too much about what they actually sell. Working there for the past few months has proved me completely wrong. Tj Maxx has possibly everything you can think of.

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by Tatiana

Getting adjusted to this new normal isn’t for the faint heart. It’s like I’m STUCK…stuck in a new reality that I don’t want to accept. I really do miss the beach-like feel of my college campus in Miami but I’m enjoying time with my family. Just really torn! Speaking of Miami, it’s hard being stuck in the house here instead of sitting next to the beautiful lake on campus while getting work done. Being in the house makes it harder to think, especially when the Wi-Fi is unpredictable.

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by Tatiana

I will never take being outside for granted again.
The fresh air, the freedom.
Looking back, I can say it brought me joy.
Stuck inside, but that’s what’s safe.
I feel like I’m caged in this crazy pandemic.
Just wondering if there will ever be an ending.
I’m bored, doing work checking Instagram, and watching movies with the family.
Communication has a new meaning.

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by Shawma

While being trapped in the house because of the unfortunate events I found joy in new things. I have been writing a lot lately. I just write short stories and poems. This brings me joy because I get to create a world where I’m not in the house all day. I experience the outside world through my writings. I also have time to watch tv which I never really do. I had forgotten how much I love cartoons. Shows like Teen Titans brighten my world because they make me laugh in times of hardship. I believe I also found joy in isolation because being alone with your thoughts and yourself helps you get to know yourself better.

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Quarantine, School, and Pop-tarts 

Quarantine, school, and Pop-tarts
by Camal Ali

I feel like I've gained two steps forward in the name of freedom. However, school is just as prominent and as stifling as ever. My problem wasn’t having to go to school, but rather the way in which school is done and the way I must navigate within this fixed system of acceptable oppression. That’s been my problem.

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by Camal Ali

In the absence of freedom one will know joy only well enough to call him a stranger. The fact that we can do as we damn well please (for the most part at least ) is what makes our lives enjoyable. But wait, what if you take a fraction of someone's freedom? Do you take a fraction of their joy as well? What if we told Johnny that he must practice social distancing, that he couldn't go to his favorite club or store, and let's not even talk about the 8 p.m curfew. What if we told Johnny that a widespread and highly infectious disease is stripping away his freedom? How would he react? You’d think he’d be pretty upset right? Boy I sure wish we could ask him so we could know for sure, but unfortunately Johnny isn’t real so we’ll have to ask Camal.

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by Jailah

There are only a couple of things that bring me joy. Family brings me joy, just knowing that I have a supportive family behind me is more than joyful, it’s a blessing. Doing what I love and want to pursue in my life as a career, which is cosmetology — specifically doing hair.

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