A Letter to My Friend

Dear Old Friend,

I really miss seeing you everyday--from meeting in the common room to having lunch in the cafe. It’s the little times that we spent together that I hold close, like walking from class together or walking to 7th St.. It is the conversations that I miss the most. Let's not forget breakfast sandwiches after dark or the 3NW late night rap sessions, all great times and all great adventures. The idea of us not living in the same dorm again is sad, but at least we're walking distance. Thank you for all of the memories we have together and I can’t wait to make many more. Until next time.

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Carta a Mi Mejor Amigo

Querido Tony,

Espero que te encuentres bien y que tus seres queridos también están en perfecto estado de salud, se que con este caso del virus nos hemos apartado. Ya tenemos más de dos meses de no vernos, me haces mucha falta, extraño compartir tiempo contigo y con nuestros seres queridos. También paso extrañando esas tardes donde salíamos a pasear y nos la pasabamos muy bien.

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A letter to My Favorite Elder

A letter to My Favorite Elder
by Marlow

Dear GG,

As the last remaining grandparent on either side of my mother and father, you are more vital to me than you could ever know. The lessons you have bestowed upon me over the years are plentiful. I cherish the fond memories that we have had together over time, be it visiting and you preparing pancakes for breakfast as I watched Looney Tunes, or going to church service on Sundays a while back. I have to say without a doubt that you are the only grandparent that I have ever really been able to know due to my father’s parents residing in Nigeria. While my father’s parents are no longer amongst the living, sadly, I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to meet them. Sadly, the memories of them pale in comparison to the ones I have built with them. The reason why I have been so silent as of late is due to the pandemic. Since it continues without any clear indication as to when it will end with a viable vaccine, I worry for you a great deal.

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To Ken Who I Miss

To Ken (who I miss deeply),

From talking everyday to rarely talking at all, from seeing each other everyday to not seeing each other at all, oh how I miss my Ken Ken. We met just last year, but it seems like forever. We had every class together until now when there’s no class to see you in. We do talk here and there, but it is not the same. We can’t go on lunch dates or nail dates and talk about everything... Oh how I miss the talks, oh, how I miss the arguments and then the make-ups. COVID-19 may seem like it pulled us away, but it is bringing us closer. My deeply loved friend, oh how I miss you and the moments we shared... I hope to see you soon...

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Letter to My Friend

Letter to My Friend
by Japan

The new 2020 is taking a huge toll on my life. It seems unreal. I miss London. London and I were together almost everyday. We sat together in the classroom on the days when we had classes together. Sometimes, we would eat and enjoy ourselves together. London and I were like two peas in a pod, especially after school. After school, London and I would sometimes walk to work. If I caught him leaving the building, we would walk the same way home. London helped me manage a lot. London is so supportive and trustworthy, the most loyal friend I’ve ever had. Even on field trips London and I were together. It doesn’t matter if it was for 15 minutes we always talked. I miss London a lot. Due to quarantine, we only talk a few times a week. Sometimes we don’t talk at all because we can both be extremely busy at times because managing our grades is a powerful role. I miss you LONDON.

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Art is the Future

Art is the Future
by Sam

During this time, art has been very helpful and beneficial to have in my life: from music, knitting, cooking, painting, and movies.There are often many different forms of art that people do not think about on a daily basis, but I like to use art to learn new things, pass time, relax, and save money.

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Tee's Playlist

Tee’s Playlist
by Temil

You know how usually people have a set playlist of all the music they listen to so they don’t have to struggle taking time to find the song they want? Yeah, not me.. I don’t know why I never really actually made a playlist🤔 as much as I love music. Maybe it’s because I love music so much that I know the name of every song and the person who sings it, lol. Music is #1 art for me. It allows you to express your emotions while leaving you completely open-minded. I’m one of those people who will listen to music in order to complete an assignment. It might sound weird but it can actually work. Maybe something in the song makes me realize something or helps me come up with solutions. Some artists that I really enjoy listening to are Lil Baby and Rod Wave. Both of these men are great artists. They know how perfectly to express their emotions and thoughts through their music, giving people something to relate and cope to. Furthermore, many parents think too much TV for kids is a bad thing, but not when they can watch Netflix, lol.

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Daily Agenda

Daily Agenda
by Shae

This image displays my everyday life since being in quarantine. The orange board is a calendar that I used to keep up with due dates, birthdays, exams, or even daily tasks. The number 10 square is one of many squares on the wall that was used to help my nephews add, subtract, and learn their ABC’s. Last, but not least, the biological science textbook is one of many books that I used this semester to help me complete my classes. This book was used daily to help me learn new material and prepare for exams.

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The Big Picture

The Big Picture
by Jessica

As a young adult, I have many plans for my future because I am about to graduate. However, this pandemic definitely changed my plans. The beginning of this quarantine was very stressful for me because I had to adapt to online classes, I stopped going to my soccer and softball practices, my sleeping routine wasn’t good, and I had to think about what college I wanted to attend. I felt depressed because I couldn't go out and I felt demotivated to do my homework. After three weeks, I realized that I wasn't making any progress because I was spending too much time on social media, so I decided to do something good for myself.

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Un Día Ordinario 

Un Día Ordinario
by Tania

Mi experiencia en esta pandemia es resumida en esta fotografía. Ahora más que nunca, estoy ocupada con trabajo de la universidad tanto que me he vuelto fan de los libros de filosofía. Mi computadora se ha vuelto mi amiga cercana porque a través de ella entrego mis trabajos y me mantengo en contacto con el mundo exterior. La música y un buen té me ayudan a despejar mi mente. Casi nunca salgo, pero cuando lo hago, me aseguro de mantener una buena higiene y seguir las medidas recomendadas. Cada objeto de la imagen simboliza mi actual cuarentena.

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Enlightenment of Isolation

Enlightenment of Isolation
by Samirah

This is a picture of me from the beginning of quarantine sitting inside my building.

This picture in many ways depicts me being stuck inside and patiently waiting to be let outside again. I see myself as a social butterfly even though I now don’t go outside as often and there is little social interaction. I love relaxing but I also love being around people and outside.

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The Big Picture

The Big Picture
by J’yona

This photo is a collage of pictures that include my house, my bed, my Amazon Alexa, and my street view. I chose to depict these items because when I close my eyes and think of the word quarantine those things are what I see. I am usually asleep during the day or I’m sitting on my porch just watching cars pass. Then, at night, I listen to music because my sleep schedule is all the way backwards.

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Ms. Distance Learning Blues

Ms. Distance Learning Blues
by Lee

Before the quarantine, I was happy to complete all of my work either early or on time. However, during this time, distance learning has completely stressed me out. One major project that I started before school was the reading of The Color Purple by Alice Walker. In this project, not only did I have to do a metacognitive log for each "chapter," but I also had to do three art pieces that represented the story. I chose to take a picture of these three pieces because of how tedious focusing on that project during this pandemic was. They sum up what I have been doing during this entire quarantine: working.

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Family Time

Family Time
by Shae

This is the newest addition to my family. Devon is his name, and as you can see, he loves Elmo, and is a big fan of the entire Sesame Street show. Spending time with him daily is one of my greatest pleasures since being quarantined. I, too, have learned a few songs from Sesame Street since being back. Watching him grow and turn 1 has been an amazing experience. He’s full of energy and loves to dance. Just one thing you shouldn’t do....turn off his Sesame Street or his Baby Shark.

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Painted Walls

Painted Walls
by Sasa

This is my mood piece. This is my defeatist piece, my resilience piece, my ingratitude and my gracious piece. My despair and the hope that has always gotten me through. I painted this on April 30th, I had been flying high all week, but the caginess got to me, and I was suddenly discontent. I was missing everything including but not limited to, my friends, my fears, humanity at large, I was tired of my room and the concept of four walls. So I painted the thing I despised, but I painted it empty of people. I was imagining a world for myself in which outside was safe and I spent no time indoors. I painted it in bright colors because I missed the colors of life. I painted it imprecisely, because I was tired of straight lines and holding things in. Later, I noticed all the things it represents.

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Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever
by China

1 May 2020

It’s been 9 days since my Grandma’s funeral, and 7 days since my birthday. Having a funeral where you must remain 6ft apart from your family was weirder than any normal funeral. We were instructed to only have ten family members inside of the funeral home. We had to have a funeral (viewing) in groups of ten with one hour in between so new weren’t outside for long. This was my first time being outside in a month, so I was anxious. It went smoothly and everyone is still healthy, thank God. Celebrating my birthday in quarantine wasn’t that bad actually, my parents cooked and got me a cake.

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by J’yona

I feel so useless and forgotten. There used to be hundreds of kids and adults who needed and relied on me all day everyday and now my hallways are empty and cold and quiet. I am supposed to be the School Without Walls Highschool right in the heart of GW campus, there’s supposed to be people everywhere. All different types of people, the quiet ones, the loud ones, the shy ones, the ones who live in their own worlds.

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The Art That Keeps Me Breathing

The Art That Keeps Me Breathing
by Salihah

Roberta keeps me company when I write. Her voice making everything poetic, making me believe I’m a poet.
The strokes play in my headphones as I try to mimic their stylings. Fingers tripping on the A string. I am not good, not yet.

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by J’yona

Alexa play ”Katy Perry” on Apple Music:

I listen to Katy perry when I feel like singing. I don’t know why, but old Katy Perry songs like “The One that Got Away” or “Hot and Cold” just make me feel like the sounds coming from my mouth sound harmonic when in reality I sound like à dying cat.

Alexa play “Billie Eilish” on Apple Music:

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