The First Two Weeks
Week 1 (April 1 - April 7)
We want to know how the first two weeks have changed you. How are you and the people you are close to affected? What have you learned in the first two weeks and what still remains uncertain? What are the ways that you have found and/or have struggled to find joy during this time? You can even give us what a day-in-the-life looks like for you!
The First Two Weeks
by London
I'm my first two weeks of quarantine, I was determined to finish my week one packet from school. The people close to me didn't really care about quarantine and were still doing whatever they felt was right. The first two weeks I learned that I am a true extrovert and not a homebody. I can't stand staying in the house because I'm so used to going out. At that time, I still didn't know if school was actually coming back or not. During quarantine I simply listen to music because it's my sanity and it relaxes me.
Las Primeras Dos Semanas
by Wendy
Existen ocasiones en las que lo puedes tener todo, pero no te das cuenta de la gran virtud que estás teniendo. Hasta que pasa algo, y cuando abres los ojos te das cuenta de todo lo que te estabas perdiendo. Solo han pasado dos semanas desde que el virus nos golpea y patéticamente sentimos que han pasado semanas y semanas, nadie estaba preparado para esto. Todo el mundo tenía planes de fiesta con su familia, con amigos, o planes que queríamos desarrollar a futuro. Es que vivimos tan preocupados por el futuro, que nos estábamos olvidando de vivir nuestro presente.
The First Two Weeks
by Ayah
If you asked me what I thought of the sudden call to quarantine, I was happy. Actually, happy was an understatement, I was elated. Why? Well let me put it this way:
1) My dreams of being the main character of some dystopian story/important historical event was coming true
2) I was exhausted when I thought of people and the regular day-to-day life
3) I’ve always wanted to just stay home and do my stuff, or maybe even emerge out of a cocoon like a butterfly
Like any dream come true, there’s always problems. What are they?
The First Two Weeks
by Victoria
These two weeks have changed me in many ways. I went from an outside girl to having to stay inside the house all the time. The people that were close to me were affected because we were not able to hang out as much like we normally do. In these two weeks I realized how easily things can change and that it's best to hold onto the good moments. Something that seems uncertain is how long we will be stuck in quarantine. I have struggled to find joy in online school because it is extremely hard and confusing.
The First Two Weeks
by April
Two weeks have passed since the shutdown because of the coronavirus. Schools, restaurants, and other locations have been closed. My mom, stepfather, and I all work at a restaurant, and we all have lost our jobs “temporarily”. My brother and I are in school and we have been receiving our classes online. Classes are even harder because the teachers and the entire school system was not prepared for this either. Sometimes I help my brother with his classes since his work looks like my Blackboard account from college. He is smart and he knows English very well, but he still needs my help. This led me to think about young immigrants who recently arrived and don’t understand English or have access to a computer. They are struggling the most and it hurts me. At the same time, it makes me appreciate what I already have.
by Tatiana
Getting adjusted to this new normal isn’t for the faint heart. It’s like I’m STUCK…stuck in a new reality that I don’t want to accept. I really do miss the beach-like feel of my college campus in Miami but I’m enjoying time with my family. Just really torn! Speaking of Miami, it’s hard being stuck in the house here instead of sitting next to the beautiful lake on campus while getting work done. Being in the house makes it harder to think, especially when the Wi-Fi is unpredictable.
Quarantine, school, and Pop-tarts
by Camal Ali
I feel like I've gained two steps forward in the name of freedom. However, school is just as prominent and as stifling as ever. My problem wasn’t having to go to school, but rather the way in which school is done and the way I must navigate within this fixed system of acceptable oppression. That’s been my problem.
The First Two Weeks
by Andrenae
The “COVID 19” virus came to the world out of nowhere! It is inconveniencing students, parents, teachers and so many other people in the world. My name is Andrenae and I attend Cheyney University of Pennsylvania. During my spring break it came to my attention that there was a new virus going around called the coronavirus better known as “COVID 19.” No one was really taking it seriously until they saw cases of it come to their cities and hometowns.
The First Two Weeks
by Tania
The first two weeks were the most challenging because everything happened so quickly. I didn't have time to process the idea that the world is facing a pandemic. When my university decided to close, the dean said it was only going to be for two weeks, but I knew that two weeks was not reasonable, so I packed some clothes and took all my books. It takes the world more than two weeks to create a vaccine, it takes humanity more than two weeks to overcome a pandemic, it takes us more than two weeks to return to "normal".
The First Two Weeks
by Aniyah
The first two weeks have been a lot of things … let’s start by saying school closed and was moved to online, we’ll see how that goes.
The First Two Weeks
by Jailah
These two weeks, I could say they changed my mindset on things that used to excite me. Me and my family have been affected because some aren’t working and school has been closed. Important resources aren’t easy to get anymore. I learned to stop taking the small things for granted, I used to hate getting up in the morning for school, now I wish I was able to go everyday. I’m still uncertain about the whole virus, it just doesn’t seem legit to me at all to be honest. I have found a way to be semi-happy by getting rest, which I struggled with at first, and also just trying to focus on myself.
by Litzi
The walks to Burger King are something I really miss, the exciting part of it was walking with friends rather than heading to Burger King. Which is a example that it’s not the destination, but rather the journey during times like this. In my journey, I see my friends still trying to run for USGA (University Student Government Association), I have to pass my classes even though my professors are terrible with technology, and my professors are trying to be parents while teaching through the web cams.
Two Weeks and Counting
by Lee
The first two weeks have been stressful, as I am not one for change.
The first two weeks have been messy, since there's a scatter in my brain.
The first two weeks have been lonesome, though I claim I have no friends
The first two weeks have been worrisome
cause I'm not sure when this will end.
The First Two Weeks
by Marc
The first two weeks were rough. Before the huge shutdown of America, I was on my college campus living my college dreams! I was working towards the 4.0 GPA I have been craving since I stepped foot on campus, I had anticipated a huge pool party for my peers and myself, and I was just getting my footing at my internship (Original Pancake House). Since the shutdown, I’ve been home doing pretty much useless work for college, learned that the current GPA would NOT count and it feels like the sun hasn’t been able to touch my skin in years.
Dear Diary,
As of today, I am filled with an overwhelming amount of anxiety and fear. For the past two weeks I have been burdened with uncertainty, but until two days ago this virus hadn’t affected my family yet.
The First Two Weeks
by Temil Whipple
The First Two Weeks... I can’t believe it’s only been two weeks. In such a short time, it feels like everything has changed. It’s unbelievable because I can’t really explain what has caused such tragedy. Not too long ago the world was exposed to an unexpected virus, COVID-19 which first evolved in China. This virus is so powerful and contaminated that it made its way all the way to the U.S. Not only has it affected us, but it has dehumanized us.
The Interrupted Two Weeks
by Shawma
Everyday is the same routine
Do work, Eat, Watch Tv, and Sleep
Before any of this started I was a college student enjoying the life of an average freshman
Going to parties, maintaining a minimum wage job, going to class, and just being social
That has changed
Coronavirus has taken over my life
I literally feel trapped in a box
Dear Diary,
It has been two weeks of quarantine and I never missed school soo much. Teachers have been overloading us with work and to be honest, this online school is not the move. Over these two weeks, I've learned that online school isn't for everyone. I was really hoping to go back to school but they extended the date till April 27. I am beyond upset. Why does this have to happen in my senior year? *crying out loud*
The First Two Weeks
by Najae
The first two weeks
This is all new
No school
No work
No metro
No friends
This is basically a whole life
Let’s not pretend
Sam and Lee
by Sam
Who knew life could change so quickly? Just three weeks ago I was leaving college for spring break, I was happy, had a job, straight A’s in school, a phone.
Now two weeks and I attempt to be happy and in a positive mindset.
The First Two Weeks…
by Shae
The first of new lessons on love, joy, humility, respect, and mostly family. You learn more about the people around you, and mostly about yourself. In times of crisis, it feels like the world is coming to an end, yet when family is around, the only thing you can do is hope for the best.
The First Two Weeks
by Kairon
In these past two weeks, my family and I have been struggling to keep ourselves, and sometimes our tempers, under control. We have been struggling to find something to do, and just play the game and watch TV. I have learned to take better care of myself, not just physically, but mentally. I have called family members who I haven’t talked to in a long time, or talked to friends who live in other states. My day starts off with breakfast with my family, then I play my Xbox or with my dog. I watch movies on Netflix or Hulu, or I will talk to my mom about a show called For Life, and then I go to sleep.