Curing the Sore Throat

Curing the Sore Throat
by London

A sore throat is horrible. The symptoms include hurting when you speak, and sometimes a scratchy, irritating sensation in the throat. The way you treat a sore throat, however, is some good ginger ale and some Halls. They will soothe your scratchy and annoying throat. Also, let's not forget the Vapor Rub. It's personally more effective if you rub it on (the outside of) your throat. Not to mention, all of these things are completely accessible at your corner or grocery store.

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Ooey Gooey Goodness

Mac & Cheese recipe( from the heart)
by Marc

  1. Bring to boil one box of your favorite brand of elbow noodles( follow directions on the box)

  2. Drain the noodles in a cauldron (drainer) and set aside

  3. Heat oven to 350 degree fahrenheit

  4. Melt half a stick of butter in the same pot in which you boiled the noodles

  5. Mix in plain flour in the melted butter, until very thick

  6. Mix in milk of your choice into the roux (butter & flour mixture) into a sauce

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Covid Concoctions

Covid Concoctions
by Jailah

During this quarantine, I was doing a lot of thinking.. Why do I keep eating outside food, why not start cooking homemade food? So I have made a lot of concoctions to make my quarantine a bit easier.

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Dear Sameya,

I miss when we used to hangout and just talk in Anacostia Park. You really helped me a lot, especially when I was feeling very unsure about this one thing. You were all ears for our whole 4 years of friendship. You are like family personified and I wouldn't trade you in for the world, Sameya. When we have issues, we always sort them out with each other, and I like that we can do that. I've really been missing you during this quarantine because it feels like you are a part of me. Since you're not here, I have to discover what it finally means to be me. I still confide in you, though, and still call even though it's not everyday. I care about you, Sameya, and I really do hope you're ok.

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The Best of the Quarantine

Dear Sophie,

It's been a few weeks since I last saw you in person, but it feels like forever. You are the reason why I think we don't need to know someone for long to trust and love them. We lived on the same floor and we didn't know each other for a while until a third person introduced us. Our friendship began when we became study partners and now I can proudly call you my close friend. I never thought that this quarantine would bring us closer and I realized many things that I took for granted, such as not telling you how good you are as a friend and how much I appreciate you, not only showing it to you with words but with actions. I want you to know that you are an incredible person who helps me grow as a person in all aspects.

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To You

Dear Kairon,
I miss getting to see you everyday. Ever since you got home, I looked forward to seeing you. You are important to me because you motivate me. You motivated me to be a better person. It is devastating to be apart from you all the time because I miss you. I have taken our relationship for granted because of the times that I hurt you and I really regret it.

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Mi Viejo

Querido Abuelo,

Espero que te encuentre muy bien de salud y que todo se encuentre bien y de igual manera la familia que esté bien. El motivo de esta carta es para hacerle saber la afortunada que soy, al haber tenido la oportunidad de ser criada por una persona como tu. Aun recuerdo muchas cosas y consejos los cuales en ese tiempo era imposible entenderlo, pero con el tiempo me estoy dando cuenta que hoy son necesarios. Quiero agradecerle por creer y confiar en mi cuando nadie mas lo hacia.

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Dear Friend of Color Sky Blue:

Dear Friend of Color Sky Blue:

It is now May 8th at week 8 of quarantine. This quarantine has brought me to a point of existential crisis. Sometimes I feel that the days are very short and that they do not reach what I set out to do, such as writing or reading. I always go to video games instead. I love video games because it is the way in which I can connect with you, that we can walk through the streets and virtual cars. A small way to be close to you and to be able to listen while we talk about the great graphics that we have today. Things have changed a lot since the quarantine. I know we didn't see much of each other, but when we went out with the squad it was the best. I still remember that night that we wanted to go to a disco to dance, but none of our other friends could. I know the hours passed and we didn't know what to do and we ended up having a chat in the IHOP at 3: A.M. along with some pancakes with cheese sticks.

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A letter to Those I Don’t Know What to Call Anymore but Have Forgiven and Hope I Somehow Forget

A letter to Those I Don’t Know What to Call Anymore but Have Forgiven and Hope I Somehow Forget
by Ayah

What do I call a person, people, now neither friends nor community. What do I tell my own self whom I am just as clueless about?

I’m not going to let this letter explain anything because I sat here for too long thinking how I can tell without telling. Instead this will be a letter that I hope will be like the fields of flowers I want to run through someday wearing boots, a flower crown, a twirly dress and holding either a chicken, a sword, an axe or a bow.
I sometimes leave without a word, and it either feels like running away or it’s actually the best thing to do for me. Whether it’s people, things, thoughts or viruses, right now I am happy I’m with myself. With myself I wish to be and to do and to think.

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The Big Picture

This is the first image that comes to mind when picturing how I am spending my days during quarantine. While I may not be able to go to the mall, movies, or library as I would like, there is still a way to get around, be cooped up in the house, or get some fresh air. It is a relief that the Stay-at- home Order has not been so stringent as to force people to stay in their homes during the course of events. Walking around the neighborhood is one of the best ways to pass time. I especially go for a walk in the morning before most people are awake around seven o’clock or so. I just listen to the environment as it is without any interference. Even if it's raining outside, one can still walk outdoors for as long as they decide to do so.

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Nature Lover

La siguiente foto es una de las últimas experiencias que tuve el fin de semana con mis amistades en un lugar llamado, High Rock Overlook, Maryland.Siempre he dicho que soy una amante de la naturaleza, que me puedo sentir libre y siento que me da una gran vibra y buenas energías el estar rodeada de árboles y cerca del cielo. En esta cuarentena he aprovechado ciertas ocasiones para ir a conocer mas lugares como este. Es que nos perdemos de las maravillas de esta tierra por estar preocupados en el mañana, pero no creo que alguien se resista a tanta belleza como lo es en la naturaleza.  No digamos de todos los lugares de los que nos hemos perdido y aún no hemos visitado, creo que no hay momento más feliz que cuando sonríes por un motivo como este, el del ver la naturaleza a la par tuya y poder contemplarte.  

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This picture is a representation of my corona break. During the break, I like to watch TV a lot. Whenever I get bored, I like to watch Netflix. There is always something that I can watch. Also, during the break, I have been making YouTube videos. The mirrors and lights are a representation of what I need to make the YouTube videos. Underneath are things that I tend to do also. I like to have snacks all through the break; they are what keep me going. TrendModa, is my clothing line and it is what I have been working on throughout the break. School has also taken a big role through the break. I have been doing a lot of school work, and Zoom calls. Underneath the TV is my PS4, I play games with my friends at night. The clock on the wall represents the amount of time that everything I do takes up. Lastly, the little box on the side is just a representation of my old life. I am used to being outside everyday. I have never been in the house for this long; I feel like I’m in a box. Therefore this picture is a sum of my corona vacation.

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My View Of The Outside From The Inside

Everyday, I look out the window to get a view of the outside. The reason I picked this picture is because I feel like this is the best representation of what I actually see every day. Every day of me being trapped in the house this view makes me sick to my stomach because I’m tired of seeing the same thing every day. I want people to see what I see every day, a boring view of the outside. I chose this view because I feel like I’m a prisoner to this view of the outside world.

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My Way of Dealing

My Way of Dealing
by Shawma

Being in self-isolation is very hard for me. I find myself feeling lonely and lost from the world all the time. My playlist has been one of my coping mechanisms for getting through this self-isolation time. There are five songs that I constantly listen to throughout the day to help keep my mind at ease. Those five songs are
Tupac- Keep Ya Head Up
Chris Brown- No Guidance
Biggie- Juicy
Whitney Houston-I wanna dance with somebody
Brent Faiyaz- Clouded

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Art Has Been an Escape Door for Me

Art Has Been an Escape Door for Me
by Wendy

It doesn't matter how I feel, in this pandemic I see that art makes me encourage myself. I can show the people what art means to me in different ways. I love taking photos, I remember when I started I was so shy because I was scared I wasn’t a good photographer. Now, I understand with time, that practice makes the teacher. I decide to take photos every single day to become better with cameras and every piece that I make with photos. I don't know how to express it, but I put a little of my soul in what I do. I love the vibes that I can share of the people or places I go with my camera. I can be grateful because I have this skill which is very powerful. Art can be the world; you don't need to talk, you just need to shoot at the right time and make that picture something that you can make people feel or think.

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Heyy Siri, Play Music!

Heyy Siri, Play Music!
By: Najae

My playlist consists of a variety of artists. They all give me a different vibe. I listen to music whenever I just need to self reflect. Music keeps my mind in a constant flow of thoughts!
“Say yes” by Floetry
When listening to this sound it reminds me of how, sometimes, simple things can be hard. It reminds me of the old times. Floetry, overall, keeps me in touch with wisdom. The song all together is really relatable and understanding.

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Quarantine Mood

Quarantine mood: Looking at something to watch? Let me tell you what I have enjoyed.
by April

Hours of Leisure that you will not regret watching or listening:

My quarantine films/tv shows,

1. Ghost world. It’s a movie about two teenagers that got out of Highschool, trying to discover the real adult life making choices that will lead them to the next step of maturity. What I love most about this film is the simplicity in how they present interesting characters with their different roles and behaviors, so extravagant. Ghost World is much like a dark comedy.

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by Aniyah

Coping with the stress of this pandemic was hard to figure out at first. I realized that is because I tried a lot at once when I should have worked on one thing at a time. What helps me may or may not help you, but you should still try it. I listen to a variety of music. You can just listen to rough sounds, but sometimes your brain needs soothing sounds. Songs like Jhené Aiko’s “Pray For You,” and Marty Woodson “Sunday,” even other songs like “Sunday Candy” by Chance The Rapper all have soft melodies.

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by Victoria

A place that was once busy but now isn't because of quarantine is the National Zoo. The zoo is an important place to me because my family and I go there at least once every summer. Now, we can´t go this summer. During this pandemic, the zookeepers are taking extra care and responsibility to the animals. It's sad that the Zoo closed because there are no happy people walking around and the workers can't do their job. Once reopened the zoo will get a lot of customers.

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