Shout In Place graphic depicting a black mouse in a teal house, using a megaphone to shout out of the house. Graphic reads “#ShoutInPlace Amplifying under heard voices during the COVID-19 crisis. Find out more at”

Week 2 (April 8 - April 14): 

It is so easy to feel the weight of right now. Everywhere we look, there seems to be bad, scary. and heartbreaking news. What are the things that bring you joy? How have you maintained them during this quarantine? What unexpected joys have you found while experiencing the heaviness of right now?

Your response can be in any form! 

Andrenae, co-author of The Ballou We Know interprets the prompt through this photograph

Andrenae, co-author of The Ballou We Know interprets the prompt through this photograph

Najae, co-author of The Day Tajon Got Shot interprets the prompt through this photograph

Najae, co-author of The Day Tajon Got Shot interprets the prompt through this photograph