Why Our Lives Matter

Dear Aunt Venis,

I know you think you are right, and I know some things you cannot change because it is who you are. I know you love your family and that you would be hurt deeply if something happened to one of us. However, I want you to understand that you hurt us everyday when you post #alllivesmatter. The Black Lives Matter movement is something that affects your family everyday. When people say #blacklivesmatter and you respond with well “#alllivesmatter,” it says that you refuse to see the discrimination that is happening everyday.

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El auto cuidado personal, en estos momentos, es una de las cosas más importantes. Ya que estamos viviendo unos momentos críticos en los cuales podemos olvidar cuidarnos a nosotros mismos, pensando en la situación que estamos viviendo.

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Caring For Thyself

Now this might be a bold statement to make, but I would argue that everyone in some part in their life has practiced self-care. While at first glance, I did not know how to define the term, I saw that I often take time for myself to work on aspects of my personal life. It is important to take time out of the day to turn away from all the responsibilities that we must bear and allow ourselves a moment to have some downtime. I usually practice self-care after completing the bulk of my assignments or finishing some tasks from work. I typically de-stress by turning on my Xbox One console. I am usually playing something like Batman Arkham City, which is one of my favourite games due. I love all things related to DC Comics and especially when they relate to the world’s greatest detective.

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The self-care that I practiced this week was going outside and getting some fresh air. My way of self-care during this pandemic is going outside and admiring the beauty around me. I love to feel the wind brushing against my skin, and looking at the clouds. I just take that time to really think about life and the finer things within it.

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Hello Mayor,

I am a citizen of the nation's capital. I am writing you this letter to ask you to defund the police. Many states are beginning to defund the police and I hope D.C. will be next. Over the past few years, police brutality has been a rising issue in America. It is not fair to people who look like you and me to pay taxes creating the salaries of the police, and, in return, have police attack them. They are trained to protect and serve. When police are around, I do not feel protected; I feel fear.

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The self-care methods I use are different than everyone else’s. To keep myself in the right state of mind, I do what makes me happy. For example, I like to put on face masks and dance on Tik-Tok. I like to do face masks because it gives a cooling effect and it’s relaxing. Dancing is also a part of my self-care methods because dancing is something that I can focus on. It takes my mind off of everything because it’s very time consuming. My self-care practices take place at different times of the day. I tend to do my face masks at night because it also helps clear my face of sweat and all the oils. I normally dance during the day because, since we are in quarantine, there’s nothing better to do. These things are important to me because they help me get moving during the day and it keeps me positive. I believe that self-care is important because it keeps me positive. If I don’t do it, I’d probably be very negative. I practice my self-care about once or twice a week because it’s time consuming.

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Stand With Us

This message is intended for the police department at 3101 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55408. Every white person is not racist and brutal, no. If I can understand that, why can’t racists take the stereotypes away from my people? A single story is dangerous & menacing. I use that choice of words because not a single story is incomplete . #Saytheirnames is a powerful movement. I feel it's more powerful than it’s been in years. I personally believe that not every white police officer is not bad, but if I encounter police, I would be scared out of my mind.

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This week, my self-care practice was working out with my family and playing basketball. I also wrote out my feelings when I became too stressed out. It helps me vent and calm down. My workouts include 20 push ups, 30 sit ups, running in place, full sprint for 10 seconds, and, after two 30-second planks, getting water. I like that my self-care helps not only my mind, but also my body. It’s important because it's productive and keeps my mind clear. I love doing self-care treatments because it helps you find things about yourself that you wouldn’t know if you hadn't done the treatment.

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POV: Your Rich Aunt Is Here

POV: Your Rich Aunt is Here
by Ayah

Why, hello there, Cinnamon Roll. It’s me, your rich aunt.

Apparently you are feeling sad and you are not tending to yourself. Apparently, you forgot that you are a houseplant with more complicated feelings. Apparently people telling you to just stop worrying doesn’t actually fix your problems.

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Self Care

*As you read this piece, please listen to the late and great artist Mac Miller. He has a song named “Self Care,” just like the name of this piece. To me, his song and this piece could go hand-in-hand*

Self-care means a lot to me. It is how we, as humans, maintain a balance of mental health, spiritual health, and physical health.

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No Self-Care

The self-care I practiced this week was doing my own hair. There isn’t really much I can do to my hair because it is short, but I put braids in it because I was tired of looking like the first phase of quarantine. With my natural hair, it's usually just a wet, moose and go process. Never really took much time to do. I barely do anything for myself because there is always a problem when I want to treat and make myself feel good. Self-care is important because it'll build your personal self esteem. I never really practice it because I'm always worried about other things that only bring me down.

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What is Freedom?

To me...

Freedom is one’s ability to be free and to be self-sufficient.

Freedom is one’s ability to do whatever they feel is right.

Freedom means the lack of chains, the lack of a burden, the lack of oppression.

Freedom has no dictatorship over one's life.

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The way that I get free is by creatively expressing myself through writing. The freedom that I am speaking of is in a mental sense, rather than physical. Writing is how I clear my mind, and free myself of any stress. Freedom means being able to do what you please, without any restraints of any sorts. Freedom feels like standing alone in an open field of everything your heart desires. I believe that I am free--somewhat. With certain restrictions I am free to go where I want and do things that I want. In all actuality, no one is 100% free unless they are of higher power. Those of the lower class/ middle are only allowed to do but so much. The moment that I feel free of this reality is when I am journaling. In order to be completely free in this society you need power.

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Freedom to Me

Freedom to me means being able to make choices and decisions, and having the ability to learn from your mistakes. Freedom feels like laughing and hanging out with friends and family, going out of town or the country, going to a museum, playing basketball or working out. No, I don’t feel like we have freedom because, in the society we live in today, we are not able to have freedom of speech. People’s words and actions, no matter the age or race, can have their words twisted around, which can lead to something we can’t fix. I feel the most free when I am with my friends and family and helping people out any way I can, even if it’s giving a dollar to someone in need. What I need to be free is equality in the world, and for people to respect one another. We need a better place for everyone and not just one race of people.

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Barrett SmithComment
Should I have to tell you my life matters?

Freedom is not having to say that my Black Life matters.

Yea, no shit my Life matters.

Why is it necessary to say and spread an awareness that says my Homosapien life matters?

That is fucking insane

And I feel like I am the only person who’s acknowledging this

It is insane that I’ve been reduced to a fucking color.

It is insane that I don’t know how to speak my own language.

It is insane that I don't carry my own name.

It is insane that I don’t know where I come from

It is insane that I don’t know my pre-colonial history

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Not So Free As Can Be

If someone were to ask me how I would define the term freedom, I would reply by saying that it is not being burdened by any hindrances that prevent growth mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. When I was first asked to write this prompt, I was stumped because I assumed that people already knew what freedom was, but over time, the term needs to be revised.

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Freedom to Me

Dear Diary,

So many things are going on in this world, and at the end of the day, the question is are we really free? To me, freedom is happiness and a form of expression. Freedom feels like a massage after a long day. A moment in a life when I feel free is when I'm in the comfort of my own home. I am able to do whatever without people judging or looking at me the wrong way. That should be the same as when we go into the outside world.

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Soy libre realmente? Muchas veces no nos hacemos esa pregunta por miedo a la respuesta que podríamos tener. Nos cuesta aceptar que nos estamos adaptando a una vida que tal vez no es la nuestra. Tantos estereotipos y cosas que el mundo y la sociedad nos quiere inculcar a seguir como si fuésemos unas simples marionetas. Para mi persona, la libertad es un privilegio que uno mismo lo consigue haciendo y siendo uno mismo.

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Get Free

Freedom to me is being able to be the person I want without any restrictions, rules, or laws that affect my dreams or aspirations. Being free is being able to enjoy life without being scared that what I am doing is wrong. Freedom feels like a fresh air that lets you know that you don’t have any preoccupations, gives you calm and peace.

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Freedom Doesn't Live Here

Freedom to me means independence and confidence within myself. Freedom feels like home, it feels like love and support from all around you. I feel like I have freedom, but then I don't when it comes to my parents because I'm always being sheltered like I'm a little kid. Moments I will be able to feel free are when I'm able to do things on my own. I would need peace and stability.

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